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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Don't be such an ingrate !! They are free....Just don't open any of them then and you won't get so upset will you......Simple ! Tell you what, If the majority of members wish me to stop I will do so, that's democracy !.
  2. Did I mention that "someone would defend them", and so pathetically predictable along trots the confused headmaster. ❌ I always know when I get an reaction from this condescending Leora acolyte that I have said something that is truthful ,✔ but his adoration of Leora confuses his thought process, poor soul. There you are sad man, I have saved you the trouble by doing it for you, so you have more time to get a life. G😕H👨🏻‍🎓❌ 😂
  3. I defy anyone to honestly state that tonight's charade was a good contribution from both participants. On one hand we had a member of the walking dead resurrected for 11 minutes of slapsticks ( no pun intended ) confirming what a sexual athlete he is....not..as if we didn't already know. On the other hand we had an attractive woman who has been in the sex industry for 10+ years, who wears a coloured sexy one-piece only to go into a room that is in night vision and allowed it to happen...She may as well have worn a sack. One word for this....Abysmal !! And yet someone will defend them....Pathetic !
  4. Hi Joe, Some of the old ones from apartment 1 and 2 were not always good lighting or sound and the camera's were crap so I have to select the best quality.
  5. Who knows Blue ! There are always gobshites, I hope his earholes turn into arseholes and shit all down his neck mate.
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