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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. There would be a lot more guys taking up religion that's for sure.
  2. I would be slightly more generous, The apartment with them both at home---- 4 : Potential----8 Her by herself ----- 6-10: Dependent on her mood. Potential.........10 +++++ No Limit. ??????????
  3. She has the ability to change her mind quickly, and she also attempts most things at least once.....perhaps she is rehearsing to become a nun. Oh!! Could you imagine that.☦ ?
  4. He now also has the choice of three orifices to choose from, why not try them all ?? ?
  5. Don't give up completely on him my friend, She is far from being a stupid girl, and she normally gets what she wants if she pulls the right strings...a little effort from her might just convince him to figure out what his cock was given to him for ,
  6. I am of the honest opinion that she is craving a good fucking, but sadly at the moment Mister Romance is not getting the message, she must be bursting for some sexual release.....perhaps he might wake up to her needs soon. ♋️ ?
  7. Think she may be in one of her strange moods this last few days, Very good dancing session on Thursday, but only dancing, Friday was a complete waste of time, had plenty of opportunity, but kept everyone hoping until she decided to go out late PM. When she is good and ready she will no doubt reward us minions as only she can. Patience is the key to everything with Leora, at one time she used to bate nearly every day, sometimes twice a day, but now we are lucky if she does it 2-3 times a week including with Paul. Hard times are upon us..LOL
  8. Yes!! you are right, you appear not to know what closed means, I closed the discussion several posts ago. You must learn to pay more attention to detail. Closed!!
  9. You won't divulge your source because you have no source......Now the thread is closed.
  10. Ah, I wonder how I knew it would be you who would attempt to liven it up.....albeit with your poisonous unfounded remarks invented within your conspirital mind, I told you before to either put up or shut up.....you couldn't do the fiormer but still in your school playground way produce the latter. When you write things, about the " clique" as you call it, you talk as if you are in a position of knowledge, but once again it is all an illusion in your over active immagination, I also know that it was neither myself or the skunk who contributed to her declining to post on this forum any longer......and that Mr Conspirator is the truth of the matter, neither was I as you think party to any disrespectful or abusive remarks made directly or indirectly to her . I am not sure your mind is capable of deducing what is fact or fiction but I will spell it out for you. 1: I did nothing whatsoever to instigate or cause her to close her account. 2: Yes I had another account, which I told you about in confidence, and the reason for having it, and if people wish to check the postings out under that name they will find only positive comments.3: Anyone with a grain of common sense knew that she posted on here and most of them knew what name she went under at varying times.....her username was only posted as proof after Howard refused to accept she posted on this forum. Out of those facts, your mind went into overdrive and created a story based on nothing more than your suspicions and the fact you wanted to look smart and clever.....you may have fooled some people, but those people who know the truth of what happened that day are not fooled. One way or another, we are never going to like each other or agree on certain aspects, so let's leave it at that shall we. But please, next time you wish to berate someone or accuse someone of wrongdoing, make sure you are in possession of ALL the relevant facts, and try to keep to those facts and not try to embellish them by adding your own interpretations. I know this forum revolves around fantasies, but try and keep your opinions of others factual. This particular thread is now closed as far as I am concerned.
  11. Is it my imagination or is CC becoming mundane and boring, same old rhetoric spewed out by the same usual suspects, a mixture of real time commentators, sycophants, and fantasists. Whats happened to the days when contributors used to have a laugh and joke with each other and generally take the piss out of life itself......everyone now is taking themselves much too seriously and believing they are really in love with Leora, a battle to see who can love her the most, or think they truly understand her. Come on guys, wake up from your daydreams and put some life back into the forum, before it shrivels up and dies. Inject some humour into it, or whatever, but for Christs sake do something instead of just sitting there in front of your PC drooling over someone who is unobtainable, and an object of fantasy. Wipe the saliva from your chin, stop scratching your bollocks and liven this forum up, I don't think it was created to see who would be the first person to die from over exposure to boredom. Why not tickle the keyboards and really slag me out for being a complete arsewhole, that would at least put some life back into you all, and this once entertaining forum.
  12. As frustrating as we the viewer might find it, we can't complain, she is not a performing animal in a circus, its real life, and some folks do it with the lights off, different strokes for different folks.She does us more than good during daylight hours, with the best views in good lighting. When she is in control she thinks of us and herself, when he is in control, he just thinks of himself.
  13. I tend to agree with your sentiments, When she first appeared on RLC she was really just a child with the body of a child, she has grown into a fine figure of a woman and I think it suits her to have gained a little weight....she may not agree with our sentiments though. As for Suckfootsoles remarks about her dieting, I don't think its the quantity she eats, which is minimal, I think it is WHAT she eats and drinks......calories and carbs, not a good diet...but she is her own woman, and won't thank anyone of us for advice she has not sought.
  14. Sneaky and Suspicious Foamy?? There are some folks on this forum who would think you are serious....... Or are you?
  15. What do you expect from a colony of criminals, lol, They just do it to piss us off, probably because we are better at cricket than them. lol....Seriously though, I love the Aussie's, I usually go there every winter, and they are ripper.
  16. Paul speaks and reads English up to translator qualification level, Leora does not understand it very much at all, but speaks excellent German.
  17. I am not so sure that you do not feel the need to learn another language, You have for hundreds of years struggled to master the English language, LOL For those that want to take exception....Its called English humour., ( Yes!! that's the way its really spelt or spelled, ) Actually, I have nothing but admiration for our American cousins.
  18. In all fairness to her,she has over the last couple of months added anal and dildo, so apart from experimenting with different outfits,which would in my opinion cheapen her, unless it was a spontaneous act, or swinging from a trapeze whilst singing Gilbert and Sullivan songs. LOL. Then she does the best she can whilst considering the viewer......remember how she was when she first appeared on RLC and compare how she is now, She has put plenty of ingredients into the mix in that time,although I think she spends less time pleasuring herself than she used to, but has substituted quantity for quality.Just my honest opinion.
  19. And perhaps you are mistaking me for someone who gives a shit. LOL. I responded to your original post to me with tongue in cheek politeness. Why on earth would I want to make you angry? If I have unintentionally aroused your sensitivity then I unreservedly apologise , As far as I am concerned this matter is now closed, Have a nice day.
  20. Not at all Barry, There was no malice intended in my reply.I merely politely responded to being called " A fucking buzzkill *
  21. Not at all Barry, There was no malice intended in my reply.I merely politely responded to being called " A fucking buzzkill *
  22. I can see that you are going to bring sensible, articulate and stimulating conversation and opinion to this forum......I await your next literal masterpiece with baited breath.
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