Wait until the Military start mowing down the hoards of illegals trying to come up through Mexico. Then you will really hear them scream and cry.
They (Military) should just line up at the border and let loose on any that cross it anywhere. Women and children are just collateral damage and are being used as human shields so the Ragheads can get in to terrorize our country. Kill them all and let God sort them out.
Sorry, I don't care who you are, that's one of the most fucked up things I've ever read. Ragheads? Killing women and children because they're collateral damage? How can any human being on this earth think like this? TBG did you drink too much Trump cool aid or other beverages before you posted this? I hope so. Do you really think this way or are you merely being hyperbolic like your supreme leader? I'll throw the first easy softball pitch. Will you swing and miss or hit it out of the park? Or just let it pass by? Right Rider, the savior of illegals living in your basement and supplying labor in your community?