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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. What was curious to me was when she was licking her fingers, it appeared she may have been fantasizing about licking pussy! Lots of tongue action and flicking.
  2. Candy was bringing down Belle and the mood. Michelle has recovered but Belle still plastered to her phone.
  3. Noooooo Michelle! Stay out of the bedroom. It will suck the fun right out of you! Get Belle out!
  4. Well here we go again. Only one thing that can take Candy from a smiling girl to a seriously troubled young lady in a flash. Guy problems. Another controlled by remote controll.
  5. A party would not surprise me but it wouldn't be in the style we have been accustomed to. A glass of wine, a movie and some texting. Early to bed.
  6. Sounds to me as if her boy friend may be having too good of time while she is gone. Her return may cramp his style or end their relationship?
  7. With all due respect that is a bullshit statement and I think you know it. The first time it happened was a complete shock to all. It rocked this board. People said it was a one off then and there were even predictions of shutting down the place. Matter of fact closing both Barca apartments because of suspicion of drug use. Next thing you know the water bottle is back and Lola is sitting on Caro's face. RLC may at some point warn the tenants of the evils of drug use but if you think RLC is not looking for fun loving girls that may make another party a possibility, then it may be you who is on drugs. RLC will not discourage any form of behavior short of violence, that will make them a buck or turn away new subscriptions. Never say never because history shows the majority of people on this forum are not very good at predicting the future. History also shows most days are boring but people are all different and some need to push limits from time to time. And they will again.
  8. Ok wine glass washed and put away. Phone out and middle of the couch getting the evil eye from Jasmin. Ok time for bed Jasmin.
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