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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. Anyone notice the home girls are dressed in white long pants and Michelle arrives in black lace? I think Michelle is ready to play tonight.
  2. Michelle dumped a whole bowl on the kitchen floor. Looked directly into the camera like oh shit everyone saw that!
  3. Thank you kitek! I believe that is the first conversation translated that even give a hint of their pay. Interesting.
  4. You seem to be very intelligent and informed. You feel so strongly to started a whole new thread to bring attention. One of the strengths of intelligence is when one criticizes to avoid sounding like a whiner, they also offer solutions. I am listening.
  5. Actually they didn't visit an adult store. They called Madame Ho. She is discreet and delivers.
  6. I think Belle doesn't like the dark so she is staying in the livingroom. She always had the lights on at B1.
  7. One thing to watch. It will be interesting to see if Belle and Becca bond or battle for Lola's attention. Both girls have a record to be fairly clingy when it comes to Lola. For now Becca gets to sleep with her.
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