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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. I just looked up this: It may explain why they cannot put a camera outside B2. https://www.mofo.com/resources/publications/spains-strict-new-limitations-on-video-surveillance.html B1's camera, I believe, while technically is outdoors does not show anything outside the apartment that can be discerned.
  2. She is still fiddling around at B2. She needs to get back and claim it before they give it to someone else. Likely be a long maintenance.
  3. It would be a complete business mistake to close down B1 unless they open another apartment just like it. It has been a cash cow! Turning down that much money would be a real mistake to do.
  4. Did the neighbors say they had to stop drinking too? Everything just stopped dead in the tracks.
  5. Ben you are more charitable than I am. I think of it more like a raffle. You need to buy a ticket to play and must be present to win. Those begging for vids after the fact are to me attempting to beg the raffle winners to share the prize. Many of use have been here a good amount of time and earned a payoff!
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