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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. Ok here is the truth. This is not a show. Irma and Nora are both nude. Nora sits spread eagle on the tub and Irma kneels between her legs. Irma's head disappears for a bit then she comes up and smiles. Nora is grateful and kisses Irma on the lips. How will that be spread about? lol Who said this apartment is boring?
  2. I would suggest you may want to go back in the archives and do a little background on her. Love her or hate her, believe she is the queen or not, she is "somebody" when it comes to the history of RLC.
  3. Depends on if Kiko is still in the picture. Like her or not she is responsible for many of the standards we see yet now. The girls bathing together, sensuous massages, sensuous dancing and always teased the point she may have some lesbian in her. Kiko was her main point of division with others. We shall see who she is now.
  4. I am not sure this is true. We have had only speculation about her role since she left. I wonder more why she is here now? The only person they could find to live there? Get the apartment moving in a different direction? She split with Kiko and needed an apartment? Fallen on hard times and needs the money? Visa issues and needs a job? More questions than answers.
  5. I wonder if these girls know Nora or know her history here? I would be funny if she was able to play it low and see if anyone tries to let her know the "rules". Just my cynical side I guess.
  6. Serious? You guys are squabbling about the music being loud and who is at fault? Sound like a bunch of old ladies.
  7. I feel the same way about Danaya. She comes across as an insecure gossip. She brings down others to lift her own worth and loves to involve others in her stories using details as just loose fillers to manipulate her point.
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