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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. I don't agree that is the only reason. For those of you able to see Nikki's room many times she takes something from her middle drawer and goes directly to the downstairs bathroom. She passes an upstairs bathroom that is empty. Maybe the bathroom lighting is better for makeup but I doubt that is it. Hmmm what else could it be? 8)
  2. When you don't wash or change clothes for days you need something to cover the stink. Should have sprayed it in the air and walked through it, lol
  3. They are on season 4. Dexter gave the Trinity Killer a little too much freedom. Doesn't end well for either of them. ;)
  4. That worm is worse with his phone than Lev is with his Ipad.
  5. I agee. I was recording as well as watching and noticed nothing suggesting sex. After viewing a second time nothing that time either. I have a different view what was going on but do not wish to speculate with out solid proof. Even more interesting to me is when Nikki and her friend talk to each other they speak english. I don't think either speaks the other's language. The problem is neither speaks english well. I listened to one conversation twice. Nikki was telling him he had to go. He wanted to stay. She told him "just girls". He said he will pay her. I wasn't sure if he was suggesting rent or money for food but either way it appeared he was negotiating.
  6. I believe she needs them. Her pool of girls, willing to live there, is drying up if not dry already. Her personal preferences need to be modified for business reasons. Nora herself is living there fewer and fewer hours in the day. Having said that, If she sees what goes on with Nikki's friend now she will need to be there more and more to protect her investment. She likely will require Kiko there more as well.
  7. Chill dude. He said "CAN SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO SUBMIT A GIF?"
  8. He appeared to find a couple of wadded up wrappers or pieces of paper. He inspected them very thoroughly then put one to his nose and snorted the remains of one up his right nostril. Likely have a sugar high all night.
  9. Are you sure they were not invited out by Nora and Kiko? Nora and Kiko is Nastya & Zheka. Check out the archived thread.(Nastya & Zheka - Aka Nora & Kiko - Retired,) It is no secret.
  10. I wouldn't say they are in love by any means but as I said before I think they are finding some common ground. That can be better to watch than just their nose in the phone and no interaction. They both smiling, laughind, sharing secrets and generally closer rather than sitting on each end of the sofa silently. Next goal talking together in one of their rooms.
  11. I believe they are having a good time getting to know each other. They are watching Dexter and smiling quite often. It seems Jenny must have a dry sense of humor as she says something with a straight face, Nikki takes it in a moment, then they both start laughing. I wish I knew what they are saying as the conversation seems to be mixed with serious periods mingled with laughter. Who knows? They may become friends. Not like K&K but pleasant. Now if they will loosen their clothes a bit. 8)
  12. Is this to say there is an official channel between CC and RLC? I read this to hint you know where the table is where offers are placed.
  13. That is just a small sitting room and is likely just more intimate for conversation. I don't think they are hiding, there is just not good camera placement to see back there. The main problem with this apartment is it is huge and sparsely furnished so seating is limited.
  14. I do not know why she would be pissed not knowing about the party, she was there early on then left. I think she is a beautiful girl but sometimes she appears to have a screw loose. Strange.
  15. This guy is not only eyeing up the cams, he is scared shitless of them!
  16. Nothing has changed. You likely set your shortcut to Nora's room.
  17. Grass is only greener on the other side of the fence until you have to mow it. Then it's just fucking grass.
  18. Doesn't appear to be shy. We will see if she is a screamer, ;)
  19. Isn't Nikki the same girl that was talking to Nora and Kami at the table shortly before K&K left?
  20. Kiko even bought a Stone Cold T-Shirt to honor his rise in notoriety again.
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