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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. There is way more to this story than what we are seeing in the short video clip as usual. Why would all of the entire tactical squad resign after the two team members involved were suspended without pay ? First of all the man was charging them, he was told to stand down, but he continued to charge more than 50 tactical swat members. Who in their right mind would do such a thing ? What the video doesn't show is they were confronted with many more violators and immediately after the short clip ends they called in paramedics who treated the man, and was secured from the rioters by the tactical squad. Moral of the story, don't always believe what you see in the Media, especially the Mainstream US news Media.
  2. Isn't about time for Irresistible Irma to give not so Memorable Milena a good tongue lashing ? Oh yes that is right, I forgot she is the frigid "Ice Queen" of Barcelona that the summer heat can't even melt. 😈 Hell Irma doesn't stand the slightest chance of thawing out that woman. What is the matter with me ? I know better !!! 🤣
  3. Van Halen sang a song "Hot for teacher" I wonder if the friend of Masha knows just how many guys here are "Hot for the cleaning Lady" ? I think she would make a great addition to this apartment for a while as the anticipation is worse than Hinz Ketchup 😉 I have to tell you though I would give anything to see the "The Perfect Little Jewell" show up for a stay with Masha.
  4. I agree and so does the Alexa numbers for last month, taking a nose dive. Down over 20%
  5. Mike I don't even watch B-5 anymore. Bonnie has become an isolationist. Alexandra is Lucian's little slave and everything is at his will. Rama thinks he is a ladies man, but it is all in his head. I agree it is time to renew the cast of character's, unless those girls would like to have night with Nelly and lots of drinking with guys somewhere else, then I might take the time to watch again.
  6. Yes DMCA take orders filed by RLC. we get them from time to time here as well.
  7. This thread is now locked, please use the new thread for B-4 Thanks
  8. This topic is now locked please use the new topic for Leora and Malia, Thanks
  9. It doesn't matter Happy, and yes I am exhausted. I hate going back to work after being a weeks vacation, should have seen the piles of paperwork on my desk.
  10. This topic is now locked, please use the new topic for Leora and Malia Thanks
  11. Wait just a minute, you have said numerous things not realizing that we are all American's, there are good and bad in all races that live in the great country of the free and the brave, as well as all around this great world. To post that Black Lives Matter is very narrow minded and solves absolutely nothing but to promote racism, what about all the other races in the United States, so they don't matter ? What about all the destruction that has taken place in the last few days and nights, does that matter ? What do you now think the world thinks of those who did this ? I can tell you they do not support it except for maybe Russia, North Korea and China. Martial law is coming to settle this once and for all with the domestic terrorist's. As for all terrorist foreign or domestic who attack the United States they will pay dearly for their crimes. They always have and they always will.
  12. Lucian is sitting right there because he doesn't trust Rama, he hasn't moved since he started.
  13. Hell Noldus maybe Nora turned over the reins to Irma and Nelly and Boggy .....HAHAHAHA
  14. They go up and then they go down. Either you choose to a part of our online community or you don't. Remember that CamCaps is in no way affiliated with RLC. It also represents the entire online voyeurs community not just RLC.
  15. HAHAHA I want to be the first one here to congratulate Leora and Malia. Good job ladies. You two have generated far more conversation and RLC top cam time doing very little. I am amazed. Thanks for creating almost 10, 30 page threads this month alone over 3000 post or more. Thanks for bringing the most newbie posters as well. Awesome Job Ladies
  16. This thread is now locked, please use the new thread for Leora and Malia. Thanks
  17. She seems to be an almost daily visitor now moos. Just chillin on the couch because the place is clean as a whistle.
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