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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. President Trump is in the middle of this and we should support his efforts to get a handle on this problem in the US. "VOTE TRUMP 2020" "We're leaving!" - Pakistani refugees are outraged after Denmark cut welfare benefits Denmark Cracks down on immigration. Muslim migrants are threatening to leave Denmark after it cut the welfare payment by half. The Danish economy can not provide free housing, food, and welfare benefits to millions of illegal immigrants from all over the Middle East, Asia and Africa. The only solution to the immigration crisis is to close the borders and deport illegal immigrants back to where they came from. Most of the immigrants who arrived in Europe are not refugees from Syria. They are Muslim immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East who exploited the flow of immigrants from Syria to invade Europe as "refugees". The German government expects to spend around 93.6 billion euros by the end of 2020 on costs related to the refugee crisis. Its the impact on housing, healthcare, the rising costs of welfare, schools that are brought under horrific burdens trying to teach an influx of children who don't speak the Language yet fill up the classrooms and competing for already scarce jobs with workers who are willing to take less money for the same job - these are the day to day burgeoning effects of mass immigration. Populism has ONLY arisen because the elites of Europe have neglected their duty towards the very people that put them in power. Instead of serving the people they have falsely assumed mastery over them and the people will simply not stand for it. The only solution to the immigration crisis is to close the borders and deport illegal immigrants back to where they came from. Most of the immigrants who arrived in Germany are not refugees from Syria. They are Muslim immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East who exploited the flow of immigrants from Syria to invade Europe as "refugees." Multiculturalism has failed in Europe. Most people are unaware of the consequences of the illegal mass immigration into Europe that lead to the changing face of Europe. There are Western countries that do not even acknowledge that there is a lack of integration within the immigrant communities. The Western world must close the borders before it is too late.
  2. This Thread is now locked, please use the new thread for B-1 thanks
  3. Ah hell life has taught me that is when a woman is feeling her hormones the most and so did Natural Family Planning that my wife and I taught in the church for many years. 😉
  4. It is about time for Boggy sister to grow up and become part of the project as long, and as many times, as she has been around. We are waiting young one for you to grow up and we already know you like to be watched, so why don't you give us something really worth watching ??? No one will know except us voyeurs 😉😍
  5. I see, ok Thanks for the info, she is cute. Too Bad half of the cameras are turned off. Maybe RLC should pay their bills.
  6. Sure makes you wonder if he is not right about the fake Media doesn't it ?
  7. Just checked the bathroom on the second floor and thought that the bath tub had ice burgs floating on the water in the tub, then I realized it was "Frosty Frigid Frida" taking a bath. Hell that explains everything.
  8. RLC seems to have stooped to it's lowest bar yet bringing back the A-sexual, Non Sexual, No Interest in sex twins again to an online voyeur site. The novelty of twins has long worn off to the membership and no one is really interested in them anymore most especially because they give us no reason be interested.
  9. You are certainly in the minority and continue to preach to all and anyone who will listen for some strange reason. Do you honestly think all of your ranting on CC will make any difference ? No one is listening that is for sure at RLC, because these apartments continue to be 100 times more popular than the couples apartments.
  10. Why the hell would you take the TV outside and it in the cold all bundled up to watch an movie and smoke the hookah ? These girls really are a bunch of extremely weird group for sure when the house is perfectly warm. B-4 is to be bored to death.
  11. Nun and chastity Definition of chastity: the quality or state of being chaste: such as abstention from sexual or intercourse or abstention from all sexual intercourse or purity in conduct and intention , I would say this describes "Frosty Frigid Frida" perfectly. Resident celibate nun of the house.
  12. This thread is locked, please use the thread for Leora. Thanks
  13. Holly who was once so Heavenly and Hot as Hell has almost completely changed her personality now that she is hooked up with Frigid Frida the house on the hill's resident Nun. Frida
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