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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. What about what the Main Stream Media is doing to that office, What about what the these prema donna athletes are doing to that office ? If you are an American, it is not who sits in the oval office chair, but what that office represents to the American people.
  2. This is false as no President has ever been impeached, the house has passed the rules of impeachment twice but failed in the senate.
  3. The 2nd floor use to be the go to floor in B-4, and now it is the go away floor in B-4, These girls send you the signals that don't want the voyeur's to watch them, more like I wish they would just leave us alone and let us be. First we had the Doublemint twins, then we had most perfect beautiful juicy joyful Jasmine, then we had bold bouncy Blair the beautiful, and now well we have the mostly the sacraments of the selfie and perfect pastels the artist. I can watch this shit on TV for free on the movie of the week.
  4. Hey Sofie can you pack up Serena , Malina, and Anastasiia and take them with you please
  5. Smoke the green, From all the staff CC we wish you a very ganja welcome, to our little place on the internet. We hope you have a few laughs and join in the all the discussions around the forum. If any of the staff can help you in any way, please feel to contact us, and we will be glad to help. Most important don't be a Bogart, and pass that peace pipe around. WELCOME
  6. Tonight's show was strictly for the European voyeur's, as the everyone west of the pond is still at work or just getting home from work which is the main reason RLC gets so much business from their far to overpriced replay service. I say fuck um and feed um fish, as it should have been included in the regular subscription, and RLC misses out on a lot of views and hits because of this ignorant decision they made. Stupidity has no boundaries as we all know this about RLC already. Sofie and Naomi 10 o'clock in Spain is 2:00 pm central standard time zone US. 10 o'clock shows get far less hits than the 1:00 AM shows get. They are shooting themselves in their own two feet monthly, as they continue to loose market share to VHTV.
  7. My Fathers honor, My honor, and now my one of my sons honor to serve this great country. I am sorry you were injured fighting to protect the worlds freedom. We may not agree on politics, but I will always stand and salute my fellow servicemen, no matter what your politics you believe are the best direction. My father was ARMY, I chose the open seas, and my son "SEMPER FI MARINE" So with that being said you are correct most of the American people are middle of the road, and want the very best for this country.
  8. Thank you for your service to this great country
  9. I often wondered if Candy would be Dandy this time around.
  11. Seriously funky that girl is, I don't think I have ever seen a girl with worse hygiene than this one has. Can you imagine just how bad she has creepy crotch critters
  12. 1 o'clock showtime tonight, more for the western click baiters.
  13. I have a novel idea for Kamilla, why don't you build a tent on your bed with your legs fully wrapped up the red blanket just above the waist. Wow we would love to see that, and that is why so many tune in each and every night, just to see how perfectly you can build your tent. Hurry back Kaley, the voyeur's are missing you badly !!!!
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