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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. This post was moved to here where it belongs !
  2. Damn freeloaders anyway, think they can get away with anything by showing a little skin probably going to raid the fridge next !
  3. scratching an itch Maybe A guest comes and stays for a few days maybe once to a few times a year or so, a freeloader comes and stays every other week for many days and eats your food.
  4. Ed, I think you have been fantasizing. The Little Katya has never done anything like that. She is a freeloader !!! Her little sister stayed with her for a week or so, and was much more interesting than this freeloader. She is there just to advantage of free rent.
  5. Can little Katya live up to sleeping in that big bed ? Can she even begin to live up to Kristy's night time antics ? Probably should go back to the living room couch, she doesn't have a chance. "Buns of Steel"
  6. Nobody liked Reagan either in Europe. They did eventually quit booing him. History will likely repeat itself.
  7. I voted for Obama the first time around "Hope and Change" you know. They made it much worse !!!
  8. Importing Poverty: Immigration and Poverty in the United States That's about three quarters of the estimated 5.5 million children of illegal immigrants inside the United States, according to the study. About 1.8 million children of undocumented immigrants live in poverty, the study found. Among children whose parents are unauthorized immigrants, one in three is poor. There are currently 3.7 million children living in poverty in the UK. That’s over a quarter of all children. 1.7 million of these children are living in severe poverty. . In the UK 63% of children living in poverty are in a family where someone works.
  9. If The US Spends $550 Billion On Poverty How Can There Still Be Poverty In The US? Because the US can not keep up with the huge amount on immigrates that were let into the country under the previous administrations, so is it fair to set them up to fail, and not have the a chance to assimilate into the US, and become part of the US society ?
  10. crumbling ? 2017 according to wikipedia The United States is the world's largest economy with a GDP of approximately $18.56 trillion, notably due to high average incomes, a large population,[7] capital investment, moderate unemployment,[8] high consumer spending,[9] a relatively young population,[10] and technological innovation.
  11. BTW the video is from the mass migration of immigrants the country can not support, California the sanctuary state, once again just goes to show what you know about our country, which is only what the BS media feeds you, and you eat it up.
  12. Opinions Vary Maturin I have been to Europe on many occasions, and I would never live there either, a bunch snobs if you ask me, the most unfriendly, arrogant, and stubborn unreasonable people I have ever worked with.
  13. Well it is nice to see they are watching again, instead of dictating to the American President, like they have for the past 8 years. Nice to see some of these countries are trying to actually support the United Nations again financially, instead of just benefitting from it. You seem to be so worried about the US, you can't see what is really the threat to the EU, can you speak Russian? or maybe Chinese ? or most likely it will be from your new mother land Islam. China has pumped $9 billion into Central and Eastern European nations, according to state-run news outlet Xinhua. Sixteen countries in the region have signed up to China's Belt and Road Initiative, a massive initiative designed to increase Beijing's exports and global political power. Russia’s Actions, Spending Send Chill Through Europe, It takes only a look at Russia’s recent history and military investments to understand that the nation is a threat to Europe now and beyond. Islamic migration to the EU is about 25.8 million or 5 % of the population since 1992. and 3.3 million since 2014. It is projected to grow far beyond those numbers to an astounding 25% by 2050. BTW Maturin, Americans are not embarrassed by the loud mouth, twitter tweeting President, because they are living better now that they have in past 30 years since Reagan was president. There is an old adage that says "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS" The Only Person the Media Has a Higher Approval Rating Than in New Poll Is Vladimir Putin !!! TRUMP IS RIGHT: Mainstream Media Approval Rating At Record LOW With Americans American are embarrassed by their BS Media. Americans are truly embarrassed by the US congress
  14. No stalking, harassing, or posting sensitive personal or professional account information of tenants or CamCaps members. This includes their actual names, photographs from VK, FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, or information about their outside professional sites. Share this kind of information via Personal Messages with your confidants, but do not publicly broadcast your discoveries. Please follow the posted rules for posting in the forum :
  15. Please follow the rules of the road : 3) No stalking, harassing, or posting sensitive personal or professional account information of tenants or CamCaps members. This includes their actual names, photographs from VK, FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, or information about their outside professional sites. Share this kind of information via Personal Messages with your confidants, but do not publicly broadcast your discoveries.
  16. Welcome from the staff at CC, we are really glad your here with us. Feel free to join in the fun anytime.
  17. I think everyone should take a deep breath and get up walk around a bit after four hours then when you return please read this
  18. This what you get with the previous administrations immigration policies, no one in this great country should have to live like this, and it goes to show the country can only support so many, and once you have reached that point this is the reality.
  19. So I think maybe it's time to read the rules for posting in threads, to date only 355 views so I thought tonight it was appropriate to share
  20. Interesting to listen to these people who flip flopped completely, you must ask yourself why ? Can you say corrupt to the core !!!
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