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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. Gels are you kidding me, it's a woman genetics, if it says on sale they are buying or at least looking and trying it on to see if they want to buy it.
  2. Boredom, Kamila is already very refined, quite well educated, and very intelligent young lady. Yesterday she was reading though an English language text book, and working extremely hard on the pronunciation of the words,she was having issues with.She actually is well accomplished and well traveled for a young lady of 24yrs old.
  3. Kami seems to be really nervous about something this morning, changed clothes twice, hair up hair down, very well made up, Looking as beautiful as ever She is never up before Kristy
  4. StnCld316 we all know that gang bang doesn't fit the vision of RLC. If that was the case then it would be just another Voyeur View. The popularity of RLC would diminish to that of ordinary free porn site.
  5. I myself feel honored that any, and all the couples, or the girls from two all girls apartments, choose to share their life with us. It takes all kinds to make this world go around, and I am very sure that each and every apartment, and the tenants that occupy them, bring qualities that appeal to many of various cultures and backgrounds. So instead of always calling for someone, or couples to leave the the project, Don't you think that it would be nice to actually thank them for sharing. You watch don't you ???
  6. I am really glad to hear that guitargst. your are a really talented young man. I hope you will stop by and see us here once in awhile, and keep us updated on what is going on in your life. It has been my pleasure to meet you, and I have really enjoyed your sense of humor. LOL as well as your music
  7. Well that is terrific news, I am very happy for you. Good luck in your new position. We still look forward to a free concert once in while
  8. Sometimes my friend we are just a little late to the party. Haven't seen you around much lately, are you working ?
  9. Van, I suspect previously to being tied down for awhile, with a boyfriend in the business, she was quite busy as a model/actress. Somehow I have the feeling his influence was felt in that circle.
  10. Well now, that's the ticket, I hope you do go straight to the top, because I know you thought that too.
  11. Spoon, I am not the one who came up with either name for these two young ladies, but I do like them and they seem to fit them, kinda like scooter for a girl dog in Leora's apartment Or blue for the girl in Carina and Sabrina's apartment, Some people have started to give Kristy's Angels names. I guess so everyone knows who they are talking about. I was on the chat the night many people were trying to come up with a name fro Efim's GF, and it was then I found out about Darnita and being Soiux and meaning of drawn with a lance.
  12. Tabu (actress) This a Indian film actress and where the name comes from 1010, not Taboo, and as for Darnita, which comes from the very proud Suix Indians "drawn with a lance" The key words are it is choice, or their choice, just like Kristy's Angels, some chose nudity in front of the cameras, and some did not. but we don't criticize them ? Why ?
  13. 1010, what are you saying? just because someone who is a guest, and not part of the project, you object to them because they choose not to get naked. My friend they are very talented actors actresses and musicians. Tabu is friend of both Lev and Zoya. They come from D&D group and they are all a very talented group, Look at the guitargst. Efim and Darnita, Nelly, Diana, and Zoya, Lev and Tabu. Masha is learning fast how to play the guitar and has lovely voice. Leora, Zoya, Maya, Kami and Masha are all artist and can paint in various disciplines. And just look at all the fabulous models that have graced the Barcelona apartment. RLC is full very talented young people. not just a bunch of exhibitionist
  14. Happy Birthday old friend, hope you have a wonderful birthday full lots of friends,happiness, and good times
  15. KAMILA HAS RETURNED FROM A NICE VACATION WITH HER FAMILY, She kinda surprised Kristy while she was excising, she opened the door and Kristy jumped up and began spinning in circles all giddy with excitement to see her,the feeling was definitely mutual as Kami was just as animated to see Kristy as well, They just jumped up and down with happiness. They have been together in the bathroom and Kristy can hardly get a word in as Kami is telling all about her trip home, For those of you who want to know, NO COKE BOY, she was alone. But signing and very happy since she waled in the door.
  16. BYE BYE BYE ...................ADELE, Pretty special young lady, very beautiful, full of energy, very bold and daring. Thank you for sharing 60 days of your life, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you, for taking on the challenge of the project. May god bless you and keep you safe, may your journeys always take you to the destinations of your dreams, and allow you to live your life to the fullest. Set your goals high, and look to the stars, and who knows, you might just see me shooting across the darken night sky. Be safe, be well, but most of all be happy. Thestarider I'M DONE RUNNING
  17. Only the true voyeurs on CC will know the answers to these questions????? 1. What is the first thing Kristy does every morning when she wakes up ? the very first thing ? 2. What is the next thing she does before getting out of bed ? always after the first thing she does ? 3.. What is the first thing Kristy does when she gets out of bed and before leaving her room the morning ? always the first thing ? 4. What is the first thing she does in the morning when she goes to the kitchen ? always the first thing ? 5. This is the bonus question, what is something that Kristy does in the bathroom every morning that might seem strange ? Who is up for the challenge ? are you a true Kristy voyeur ?
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