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Everything posted by gogism

  1. Sorry, lad - you still don't get it. It is your contributions that make a lot of silence in the chat. πŸ™‚ Ever heard about monologue/dialogue? Try to speak to yourself in a commone sence, try to replay to your comments...if you can, hehe! Can you? OK, just kidding - no offence! πŸ™‚
  2. Happy to see you here, guys! πŸ™‚ And for you, raul - I'm not trying to get anything - I want to get rid of something. Comprende? C'mon - get your shit together and try to understand that you're annoying. Actually killing the chat with your comments, hehe. Do you need a sub forum exclusively for you? πŸ™‚ Cheers!
  3. Have just started a new topic, hope that some will appreciate and the others...move to have a blast over there, hehe Cheers! πŸ™‚
  4. every blah blah, direct adressings to Leora, love your ass, suck my dick, spread more, cum to/4 daddy statements etc - should go here. Not in the general chat. Please. Love you, guys, hehe! πŸ™‚
  5. Hmmm...actually, don't really know what do us nonsubs doing here and around the RLC at all. Practically no mor vids or pics except once a week from Ulyana and some from Carla which are of no interest at least for myself... RLC is really pushing it hard. Anyway - think that noone will miss any of us taking some time off from RLC. Cheers and good luck! πŸ™‚
  6. What have you done? Were you a naughty girl/boy (excuse my french, but I can't know your gender, hehe)?!? πŸ˜‰
  7. Why - might? And, btw, when does your sub end, hehe?
  8. No shit... Nadal? woooow, hehe Let's see your gif in underwear - perhaps our Queen might stay in Prague for good! πŸ™‚
  9. just try and keep the gifs of a guy in underpants away from this thread, pls...
  10. Well, let's do some thinking (I mean the ones that are equiped with the necessary tool, hehe) about Her majestices fan(atic)s. There are more of them, but - to go easy (on non equiped ones) let's just see 2 kinds of them. I guess, fan(atic)s are the ones, that would have their woman mostly by the stove, cooking and through the day just doing stuff around the appartement - cleaning, vacuuming, ironing, making her man happy from time to time (under covers and without the lights, of course, hehe) feeding the (dam) dog regulary etc... Under no circumctances and god forbid - if she even thinks about her (bodily perhaps) needs, not touching herself in any way but regular personal hygiene (and even then - she should think about not spending to much water and go easy with her make-up), not to mention any critical thoughts about her beloved partner satisfying her...huh - blasfemy... - sexual needs...and of course - last but not least - in anyway trying to climb the furniture That is all just - out of the question. Not negotiable. Hush, women - go anyplace else if you dont like it. There's a list of what you may do and - that's it! Nothing more. Aaaaand - there are those fan(atic)s that love woman in general. That enjoy them flying around on the wings of their womanhood. That enjoy their beauty in every aspect. And who are able to go over their woman sillyness and all the small pains in the butt they cause sometimes.... They love them, cherish them play with them - in general and in sexual manner - and even encourage them to explore their sexuality - for sure some special kind of fan(atic)s benefit from it. Guess what - even woman benefit from it. So in anyway - they are happy that the woman is around and are not judging her for being herself whatsoever. My dear Leora - accept a kiss from your fan. And btw - could you climb on the table again someday and do some (nude of course, hehe) twerking for us? πŸ˜‰
  11. G raul - thought you ment it for real, hehe πŸ™„
  12. You must be really scared, hehe. But still you had to open your mouth before keeping your list up. You should put yourself on that list as well.... πŸ™‚
  13. that's an ignorants statement. You don't deserve our Queen and obviously really don't know any other beside Elizabeth...
  14. ah + I said the first time and am saying for the last time - it's a shity appartement. That was ment for the cams of course. If the cams would be positioned better she would not need to climb the furniture, hehe...
  15. So full of crap...at least some people... I mean on the one hand encouraging her to do 'nasty' stuff , to be even 'nastier' to look at the cam (well, that was me as well, hehe), to buy bigger dildos for her lovely (not so little anymore, hehe) ass, to dp, to interact with us etc - and now, when she (OK - happily, willingly, even enjoyingly - whatever) obliged, made our wishes come true, people cry - buhuu, she's a pornstar.... Duh! And even if she were - what would be wrong with it? A lot of pstars are more educated and have more dignity and selfrespect then...well, some people here... RLC project is way past voyeurism - it's more about exhibitionism. Deal with it! Plus - she's all alone there - doesn't have to take care for her man or the (dam) dog. I guess she even didnt take her doll factory and painting stuff with her this time. So, she has some more free time. And she is just enjoying it and getting most out of the situation that happened. So what? My dear Queen - be well, keep living your life your way, don't forget about all your fans (us, the plebs, hehe) and accept all my kisses! πŸ™‚ Cheers!
  16. Busted Samy, hehe! Tink you've missed it, but our beloved (one of) moderator(s) already warned us to not post the old vids here. Just the new stuff... πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
  17. exactly 1 sec less than 2 min of some cute behind, but alltogether - the happy three (3, hehe) πŸ˜‰ https://mab.to/5NCjtTSB5
  18. exactly 1 min of some cute behind, deleting it... πŸ™‚ https://mab.to/Zfrv1CvLM
  19. sorry, have been in Germany on so many occasions and closer to your fashion, understanding and speaking a lot, but - still not enough. Entschuldigum! πŸ™‚
  20. sorry, have been to lyon, but only inenglish fashion πŸ˜‰
  21. Jesus, guys, am kidding, provoking all the time, just having fun... So what should I answer - to roger1 - what makes You think (with) πŸ™‚ -. billiboy - cant be more specific and (about) amusing... Shes is the Queen and she (or the dang rlc (not so) stupid stuff) could play their cards better... Money on or money off - actually all parts are here for...the fun...Or aren't they? And last but not least to all the ones questioning about her presence in public - screw that all - who can meet her, who can see her in live or online - the only issue which she has is - her friends and relatives - that's whats important not some petty voyeurs... But even...huh...especially for that one has to be strong! May the force be with you, beloved Queen! + A kiss, ofc! πŸ™‚
  22. Hmmm---would our Queen be banned if she would post a vid or 2 from time to time for our amusement??? πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
  23. no need to thank me, cause I guess we were proving different points, hehe
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