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Everything posted by gogism

  1. My dear Queen! I realize we have had you put in a bad mood... I'm sorry, even I have commented at Lana's page. But...! Dont be sad - you know how we guys are. We are always horny ( hope, you are as well, hehe) we always want more, more and even more... Well, who will make our day if not a beautifull women, thinking of us, sharing her moments with us, enjoying at what she's doing and enjoying to be admired by her fans... We love you Leora, so - dont be sad. Just keep on going like you do. Well, actually I have to say - like you - did! Having a feeling that you're not the same. That you've changed a bit - sometimes leaving us not satisfied.... Thats just my opinnion. Again - you know how the guys are. You know what we want (your beautiful eyes, hehe). You know what we expect from you. You even know how to do it, to go further, to deliver even more, no matter what.... Do not be sad - we still love you!!! I just have had a feeling that you have negolected us lately.... Maybe I'm wrong, but - remember... We still love you. We still want to see you happy, naked, dancing, playing with us (and yourself ofc, hehe), looking at us just to tease and tease us to drive us crazy. Dont you be crazy - just make us - even more crazy for you! Love, Queen! πŸ™‚
  2. Huh, Lana dear, already missing your joy the vivre... πŸ™‚ Care to humor us some more? πŸ˜‰
  3. Yes, dear, I'm here - sensing the start of a beautiful relationship. πŸ˜‰ I want to be honest with you - I havent really got over Leora just yet, but I hope you will take care for our humble admiration of your presence. That you will care and look at us like we do at you (and your behind, hehe). That you will share all the treasures with us, even the most secret ones... And there will be nothing left for us but just - to adore you. Respect, love, kiss and - cheers to you, dear Lana! πŸ™‚
  4. I think something is going on... I'm confused and irritated by our queen denying us her intimate pleasures unlike usual. Lately mostly some teasing and then - moving to the members areas. Dont know if thats a new RLC policy or is it just our Queen? Am not happy at all. Not at all. Am biting my tounge for now to not say to much... Kiss, my Queen and - get back on the track! πŸ˜‰
  5. hmmm... perhaps you should make mittsy a premium member. I mean - he catches everything.... πŸ˜‰ + I'd like to see it as well, hehe.
  6. pornlink, do please mind your manners regarding our Queen! As somehow new to this matter I suggest more observing and less commenting... 1 - there was sex (well, as Paul sees it, anyway...) not long ago 2 - Paul was not at 'the table' but he was sleeping in the - guess where - bedroom, where leora was - guess what - not masturbating as well. 3 - Actually - she was in the guestroom and what she watched over the phone is just something - you will never know! Ps. I will not comment about sucking up Howards ass... πŸ™‚ Long live the Queen! πŸ˜‰ (...'the'... - edited after plinks comment, hehe)
  7. Replays are an option you can - at lest looks like - afford. We non members can't... And that (replays) even is an entirely different section.... πŸ˜‰
  8. 1) hmmm - not being really ungratefull - but the timing (+ the cut...) and the cap on pornlink is not really some piece of art... 2) my dear mittsy, nevermind the stuff, dont be mad etc...it's not worth it. You're work here IS (not was - and be sure to not make it history) much appreciated. And it is done with some spirit, with a touch of a soul if you like it. That's my oppinion. 3) so, my dear mitssy - just get back on the track, keep up at what you're doing...good (can't say best, cause I dont know what else you do, hehe) and just stay here with us. + of course - do post that 3 recordings you have made today! πŸ™‚ That's my share, try it, the people will judge for themselves. Now let's move any further debate to a proper section. BTW - I would never dl anything from that pornscope or whatever while your posts are here. I can check them, but one can quickly see what's abot. And I even dont have to mention that if RLC gets the knowledge about the site its already history. Cheers!
  9. Getting in the line - for the copy of one even previous session - as well. πŸ˜‰
  10. Mittsy1 is not a premium member but sharing more than a fair deal. I wonder when the premium members would please us - the plebs - in that manner. At least close to it if nothing... πŸ™‚ Respect, Mittsy1 and - cheers! πŸ˜‰
  11. g, guys?!? where & when do you see all those titties, hehe???
  12. My dear Queen - I see - no posts in 'general topic''s... So - just as you are at the moment- happy, dancing - looking around. Get a focus, my dear - meet my eyes! πŸ˜‰
  13. what would we do without you, mittsy? Learn belgian??!!??? πŸ˜‰
  14. I've lost my faith in glob mods (forum admins) long time ago, hehe... πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
  15. Stncld, you naughty boy, you... πŸ™‚ And you, esanders - once again - having troubles with what you want to say?!? πŸ™‚ Just kidding, hehe. But - esanders - with all that premium - why dont you TRY and make us all happy? I still have faith in you. Try it and may the force be with you! πŸ˜‰ Cheers!
  16. I'll punish myself for doing this, hehe - could someone repost monday session, pls? πŸ™‚
  17. Respesct! Good job! Hope you will take over the bath- and the bedroom to cover our desperate needs. πŸ˜‰ Cheers!
  18. Do you, sniper, like to share (sessions which are not visible to non members) as leora does? I mean, I am a bit worried... Or - you just need some time... πŸ˜‰
  19. anyone caping amandas private chambers? would be happy to see her for the first time as refreshment.. πŸ˜‰ in private message ofc Cheers πŸ˜‰
  20. - more and more noobs here lately - wonder why but agreed - annoying constantly asking for re-up. they should chill out and wait a bit, they will find ways to satisfy their needs one way or another. we all were noobs once... - with all respect to the premium members - it would be greatly appreciated if you would share more private moments of our beloved Queen playing in the lands that non payers cant see. As for me - am sorry - cant afford the membership. - and last but not least - I dont want to hear anymore questioning about the reign of our Queen. Trust me, you dont want to make her angry (+ me as well, hehe). She is what she is and she for sure is here - for us (!!! just try to think a bit about how the things really are). Her greatness is just in that - constant evolving and even subtly granting our wishes which are posted discretly and in a nice maner (not like - stick it in the ass, leora) - just by the way and - not obligatory. anything she does we can just say a humble tnx, we can admire her, we can love her, we can always ask her - our dear Queen of the Queens - look at the (dam, hehe) cam even more. We love to see your beautifull eyes and a shy look you share with us from time to time. ps(t).: anyone that doesnt like any bit of this app or the things which I have just stated should just - move on! or - we might activate the 'our majesties travel depatment' to help them with their transport! Long live the Queen! πŸ™‚πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚
  21. dark joker, get serious! πŸ˜‰ We dont ask ourselves such questions about our beloved Queen. That's what she is. She knows we worship her. She treats us just as we behave. Do pls, love our Queen and enjoy her straight look to our eyes. That's what we want our Queen to do more often. Just to look straight into our eyes. from time to time (that's always). She knows we're doomed. She knows she owns us! Love you, allmighty Queen! πŸ˜‰
  22. Rlc is really going south - further and further away each day. Sorry to say - along with our Queens - which we know who they (she) are (is)... πŸ˜‰
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