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brian smith


Everything posted by brian smith

  1. Yes I think he is talking about looking at her with his good Eye 🙂
  2. If you look at my post as a reply to your's I no where personally attacked anyone just stated certain facts irrespective of what went on last night I am not concerned in the slightest what happened.. I gave and keep saying it my opinion of the state of the forum almost some kind of two sided group of members going on. I am not I may add in either group but represent myself as I see things.. I offered you a chance to at some point because after all you posted up to me advising me to as you put it stay out of it...that is a red rag to a bull to some people not really me because I offered you the chance of some respectful harmless banter which you have chosen to receive as an attack on you.. Which for all the reasons I put in my previous post I would refrain from doing.. I am not into who said what and when and mostly retaliatory mindless banter and that said it's why the powers that be have got involved... One thing I do believe I have said many times on here before.. it counts for nothing how many posts some guy's have or how long they have been on here and show so much disrespect for some one with half a dozen posts and call him newbie what doe's he know.... is shameful ... I have myself been on this forum since the beginning of 2015 and don't choose to post every day about such topics as the price of bread not the intended topic Leora.. So I have looked at your post.. do you really think there is anything to apologize for let alone an attack on anyone...The so called Mods would have been onto that with the state of play at the moment..
  3. With all do respect as previously mentioned in my earlier post your advice is unwarranted as I myself am a member of this forum.. Therefore have the right to voice as you have an opinion on forum matters and will as you put it get involved.. no bullying tactics will prevent me from giving my own opinion.. You can voice your opinion against what I have said but by no means attempt to shut me up.. I don't mind a bit of intelligent repartee with you if that's what you want... nice harmless banter as I call it if your willing..
  4. I think it quite simple to understand what as happened here, the players in the so called Project can be criticized.. stated by a members opinions I might add.. But there are them that will not have that at any price on this forum and use this form of lambasting as an affront to there favorite players in the Project.. To the point of not only insults but what I have seen to be outright assassination of said perpetrator calling them so called Trolls to which is a totally bad and misuse of the definition of the word.. It is simply this you can criticize a participant in this question Leora or Malia in a self as said opinionated way but the forum members should not make a retaliatory retort for them doing so.. Leading I might add then that the forum members get embroiled as it were in a derogatory slinging match which gets completely out of hand and the powers that be have to get involved.. There is so called harmless banter and harmful spiteful banter that can be played out in a forum and the latter should be avoided.. I would say though that it is good forum practice to actually disagree with each other but in a more respectful way and that if you stop that the forum will serve no purpose...
  5. This comment is obviously aimed at drawing me into an unintelligent retaliatory conversation with someone with very basic IQ ratings... I must be on his hate list with all the others he does not agree with..
  6. You may have this the wrong way round if you think about it.. He cannot do personal attacks on you because no one would be bothered or interested especially him.. But on a membership paying open forum he after all is entitled to attack the participants of the so called Project using his own opinion as everyone keeps saying is ok to do.. It becomes personnel only because you don't like what he is saying about someone who is there to be criticized again his opinion.. What is not ok is the abuse you aim at him if you take a step back you are as bad as him or worse because you are making it as you put it "Personal" The Queen is there under her own undertaking to be shot at as it were.. Love her or not it's the way it is .... People such as this are having a go because they don't like the way some are obsessed with the Queen and them same people will not have anything bad said about her.. My advice ....you want to criticize the very people you want to ignore by giving them airtime which is counter productive..
  7. I will just say one thing about this guy Gomer love him or hate him he is playing you like a fiddle and you don't like the tune at all... Obviously the ignore him or take no notice does not register with some people.... That said he survives on the fact he likes to shove his hand in the Hornets nest and stand back and watch what happens...... I find it quite entertaining not what he says about the Queen but what everyone say's about him.. It would not be a fair and honest Forum if everyone agreed with each other ..what happened to the comments that's my opinion.. Or is it only if I agree with it...
  8. Yes "Someone" that well known creator of made up references on this forum.. He is full of Rumour and made up contrives but you try to get the facts out of him ...
  9. I do believe that the profile of this person you refer to is sometimes referred to as a Genius...History tells you there have been many that would fit the bill...
  10. You do yourself an injustice(publicly) saying only one person.. Are you giving points out to the winner who understands you more.. I'm in...put me down I will have a go..
  11. Apologies accepted for this extract from it can only be described as something out of War and Peace.. You lost me about half way through with something like either one or either two or by themselfs (I honestly could not make that up).. Anyway I normally keep a Revolver in the desk by the side of me I must admit and I say this with all sincerity I have only had the occasion once of thinking about taking it out and I know now how Kurt Cobain felt that night... The only thing that stopped me was probably not seeing Leora's Ass again...
  12. A message from the King himself.. "Sire" have you not heard the terrible news of the very noble "The Earl " is leaving us for pastures new.. Can you not have a word with him Sire and persuade him what he does is folly in the extreme and for us to be without him is truly unthinkable.. At a time when Earl's are short on the ground Sire I really feel you should get him to stay and contribute as he as always done with your majesty's approval in matters concerning this forum and beyond...Long Live The King ... Your Servant as always ...Brian...
  13. I suppose that's why they stopped executions in some countries if this is the evidence that is given ..I can hear shouts of Hang the Bastard coming from the gallery.. And with it being the much hated by many on this forum and may I say ex lover if you can call him that ..I am afraid the mob will rule and have their day on the scaffold.. Farewell to the sad man if it's all true I would like to say he served them well but actually could not serve the one that mattered when the queue for the job would be endless..
  14. This could end up being a very tedious post but here goes.. Lets deal with facts as presented themselves over a couple of comments.. She was having a phone call and got "very upset" that could have been over anything and far from a fact of what was actually said.. We are still waiting for Jurgen's earlier transcript which he can if he wants to substantiate his comments earlier regarding what was actually said between the Queen of all Ass and who ever was on the phone let alone what was said. If I carry on like this I might slip into the useless comments category and go on to make endless mindless posts but it is I suppose what the title suggests about Leora not to mention her poor substitute Malia ... Well no need to mention the poor Sub as she was not named in the earlier debacle "Who was Leora talking to on the phone and what was said" Tune into this forum for the latest episode featuring "what was actually said on the phone by Leora" Fack sake gripping stuff this .. You could not make it up could you....or could you...it as been put "it only makes sense" on the contrary non of it makes sense..
  15. Jurgen, although I have completely no interest in the person they call Paul .. I think your comment is anything but "clear" and I might add unsubstantiated so I take it you are perhaps German who is acquainted with the peoples of Russia's language.. And deciphered these comments made by the Queen of Ass... Further more can people take your comment to be gospel or like a lot of comments on here complete "Bollocks".. And will take it's place in the very long line of all the other useless comments.. By the way you might end up with 1000's of posts that makes you look like you know what you are talking about..
  16. Some Woman get big Labia when they get older because they seem to stretch over the years and look in a right state they call them Saddle bags and take the piss(no pun intended)...trust me are best covered up... Flapping around when they walk.. Wrong forum's a bit rich from someone took most of the page up..
  17. Funny how some people can be wrong again in so many days...Leora as the much sought after what all girlies crave for and go under the knife for the "Designer Vagina" they have made documentaries about the so called subject.. Trust me Leora is not looking at Malia's Vagina in a envious way she is probably thinking all that meat hanging out of her slit would be best suited in a Butchers shop window like a piece of Sirloin.....(Horrible) For all those that like it all that meat hanging out like that replies on a postcard please to any of the mods on this forum. let them get the abuse...yours faithfully.... a great admirer of the "Slit" without the trimmings on the outside...
  18. This probably is one of the best replies I have been fortunate enough to witness on this forum..(made me smile) You have to be careful though who you say this to as some would throw a massive tantrum.. cannot take much wit and sarcasm that's aimed at straight to the point... You know who they are mostly them that have a few thousand posts and really Fu--k all to say.. Joker...you "did" light the blue touch paper...
  19. You cannot accuse me of taking over I very rarely speak on here look at my posts 86 and been on here over 4 yrs yeah that is taking over.. Right I do not and never will attack people on here it is very much the opposite it's just a bit of banter without being abusive.. If you do not agree with me just say why and give your own conclusion for that...it's not correct to tell me to shut up or have someones permission to speak who as probably a couple of thousand posts who for that reason thinks they have more entitlement than someone with less.. When I say get a life it's just banter not a personal attack on someone think about it and return the banter without the abuse... Lets all agree with each other and pretend everything in the world is fine ... By the way that's just banter....just say if you want me to get back in my box and come out when I have someones permission..
  20. Right there is always someone ready to give their advice ..not biased by the way just don't like something someone said so just tell them to shut up.. Yes that makes for a great forum if you don't agree with members just tell them to stop complaining .. It's not complaining it's making dialogue something that is very much lacking if everyone is going to agree with each other.. And what ever happened to unabusive banter what a site if we are just going to say good morning you ok goodnight see you tomorrow..great that eh..you need members to challenge each other without the offensive arguing that makes for a better forum surely... Ps.. but I must say brought you out the woodwork though to vent your spleen..See if you can reply without losing it..😀
  21. The clue is in the name Voyeur which translates to somebody man or woman that likes to look.. You could give most men the best looking girl on the planet he would still look at someone else .. Most say 99.9% of men are voyeurs the other 1% are not telling the truth... I don't think I would take advice from someone on a voyeur site to say that people do not really need to look at these sites if they had a man or woman close by...probably close by meaning the next room...
  22. Well with all respect to you that looking at a girl masturbating could be deemed as normal. On the other hand.. As for wanting to see a dog humping a pillow I think maybe you have the wrong site my friend..😀
  23. Get a life...asking about a Dog that got on peoples nerves..Crazy but you can get help...
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