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Everything posted by tweety

  1. Where is Misty located? Her guest tonight is wearing shorts.
  2. Looking back, I can something is not quite right. Thanks for the heads up. I will use your link and see how that goes.
  3. Just wondering why you posted the link?
  4. That butt plug did its job
  5. No, a photo shoot. She has changed outfits about 3 times
  6. Amy, you changed your avatar. Or was I just not paying attention?
  7. Agree. I would think that when you live with it every day, you get used to it. They used lots of powder.
  8. She and Albert fucked like bunnies and they had a bunch of kids. She was a beautiful sensuous woman when in her prime, before widowhood.
  9. Well it helps. They say that Queen Victoria had three baths (no showers then) during her life - when she was born, when she got married and (I think) when she died
  10. After 51 years of marraige, I can still remember things that went on on our honeymoon. Welcome back, M & H.
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