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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. Samantha is extremely upset both angie and Emily are comforting her
  2. they are getting ready for something all three are doing hair and makeup
  3. I se angie is smoking the water pipe already, again I will ask why do they go out to smoke cigarettes but smoke the water pipe inside I have seen this in several apts,im really curious about this one
  4. when they left last night one went upstairs and the other went downstairs,im thinking the one that went down was only going out for a smoke as Angie went with her and came back after a few minutes so my guess is they just moved upstairs
  5. oh thanks, I had looked up Uropean time zones and that did not show that, I thought only us here in the states did the time changes I guess you learn something every day this is what happens when you make assumptions with incomplete data
  6. I always had thought most tenants were Russians but if you look at the times in the apts most all are either in the same time zone as the barca apts or only one hour ahead and that puts those ones in the ukranian time zone, Russia is at least two time zones from barcalona and that just puts only leora and maya in Russia so if all but 2 apts are in Europe I would guess most tenants are not Russian my guess is they are mostly Ukrainian
  7. just saw one of the old tenants go up stairs with one of the guys and the other went down the stairs ? maybe they just moved into a apt in same building
  8. why is it they go outside to smoke cigatettes but have no problem smoking a water pipe indoors all night I have seen this in a few of the apts
  9. there was awhile they used to have to use hot water from pitchers to finish filling the tub when the twins were still here if I remember right
  10. in Nica's room I love the red white and blue ,I'm talking about the girls panties and bras btw
  11. nice blair bate god knows she has to get off some how 2 minute putin aint cutting it
  12. guy is going for round 4 by the looks of it,edited just a little making out false alarm
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