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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. its funny he is not pulling the blankets over them now isn't it ,so I guess it it is dasha isn't it
  2. only time she ever got naked was when I was asleep I would wake up to read that she showered before I got up
  3. was she the sweet blonde there with sofie and the big titted brunette that never showed her tits I can never remember some girls names
  4. guest is leaving yippee now we can get back to the drinking and games with nica this girl was boring lol,edited oh and Monica is invited too
  5. somebody asked the other day on one of the threads who was the most sensual woman on RLC I would say Martina who in my opinion does not get the credit she deserves on here for some reason and I don't know why either she is very beautiful with all the right curves lets just say theres a lot to play with there she is into pretty much anything sexually
  6. shit I saw them have sex a few times and her in the shower a few times since then,saturday they had some good sex right in the livingroom ,where have you guys been
  7. I don't think she shaves does she I seem to remember her having a bush every time I have watched her
  8. sure but with her history of being covered with demid now sasha who never once has hidden anything on RLC all of a sudden gets shy about us seeing his dick in a girl ok lets just say its pre arranged is all
  9. its got to be dasha Christ her and demid covered up for ever now sasha is covering up with her its got to be her
  10. that's true but when she went to the party at B4 and didn't come back for 2 days was a little uncalled for imo,her and nica could have been doing everything they were doing in b4 in b3 all they did was lay in bed for 2 days and didn't do anything sexual at all while nil was stuck playing with himself oh I mean video games lol anyways I just didn't get that whole episode why she left him alone like that but hey if they are cool with it its their business I guess
  11. yes she came home about 5;30 am their time and has been around quite a bit since actually
  12. so will they go UM every time people come to mow the lawn or take care of the pool I wonder
  13. watching Deadpool last night and I could not help thinking his girlfriend kinda looks like jasmin if you ask me
  14. that's why I believe they said to a few girls if you want to come back don't go out 6 nights a week all night, you might know who I'm thinking of lol now they are the stars of RLC now we get a taste of some of what they have been doing off cam in the past
  15. I don't see RLC doing something that would encourage them to do shit off cam that is not well thought out now is it
  16. jasmin sure killed the mood she was all into it then they got in bed then she went right to the phone,for awhile I thought my feed froze up again but I saw jas blink other than that she has not moved at all for a long time
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