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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. i just brought up the other day how Holly and Carol both have done nothing much after having both done so much on cam in past visits,and how we have girls that did nothing in their past visits doing everything on can Leia Anna and Lola
  2. i canceled this morning just made it with about a half hour to spare usually its the other way around and i get stuck for another month
  3. Maksim is a idiot granted but can you blame him for not being interested in having sex with Leia i mean have you looked at her she is right at the same level as Hanna 🤣🤣 this is sarcasm so you know lol
  4. lets put it this way i was in a program where they paid me for going to school and paid all my bills i had a room with a balcony above the only college bar in town and was only one of 3 guys out of a thousand with long hair so i had money and drugs and lived above the only good bar in town and the owner would let me take girls upstairs with our drinks so i could get them high needless to say i had quite the glass and notches on the bed collection
  5. so ulyana had sex with bruno i see she has a boob job is she the one with the little tits and a sweet ass that he cheated on Gina with and she freaked out about sorry but i am bad at names and faces sometimes
  6. well yes it was 3 girls to every guy at that school and i was banging a bunch of other girls while i was there you dont think i banged 100 girls in my life for nothing and many of witch could of been on here this girl was so damn pretty it was worth waiting for and like i said i was still getting laid
  7. hey when i was in college there was the prettiest girl i ever had the blessing of having sex with it took me several times even had her topless in my bed a few times then finally she gave it up so never say never is my point
  8. i love the skinny ones but do admit girls like her are fun to wrestle with lol
  9. wonder if Buffy the hamburger slayer will do anything on cam or is it more of her making her guy stop his advances like last time
  10. hey thanks BW but i got this now and they still are making no defense now its i am old fashioned anti prostitute lol
  11. yep sure right i am old fashioned done tons of drugs no really hard ones but lots of coke some pain pills and some acid in my youth slept with 100 women give or take a couple lived with two women as a threesome for half a year had a few other threesomes after that i guess you could call me old fashioned because i never paid for sex lol
  12. so you and some friends go out and share a meal and agree to split the cost that means you all pay equally right,so when that guy said on here the girls were looking for guys to have sex and the girls would split the cost between them anyone could think he was saying the girls were paying for sex i figured he meant the girls would get big bonuses and so would split the cost of finding a guy willing to have sex on cam that almost makes sense actually if it was not the guys that were there,but sadly no thats not what he meant
  13. damn i just checked back in and both off cam again,so is she blowing him or are they doing drugs all this time,edited oh and she just came out nude go figure
  14. what a joke i am old fashioned i guess you have not been seeing my posts over the years and nowhere in any of my statements did i ever say it was a bad thing if these girls charged for sex i just pointed out that in this situation that senario just does not make sense as i pointed out these were not just some random hook up from the internet from a couple of guys looking to pay for sex,it was you that pulled the whole oh i have a thing against prostitutes in order to deflect from the idiocy of your view point instead of actually telling me why i am wrong
  15. so these guys were paying these girls for sex and both guys only got two each ,and if you were paying three girls two have sex i think the girls would have to have done a better job about it actually and would at least had a threesome or something
  16. guys that are paying for sex dont have to give the girls drugs all night or have to take hours and hours worth of professional pictures just on a side note
  17. what the hell ever that has to do with the point of him saying he thought they these guys were clients they advertised for other than the reality of one being a long time friend and the other a pro photographer that took pics of girls other than just the three B2 girls and in no way were paying clients found on the internet or where ever it is he thinks the girls found these guys and me calling him on how stupid that was
  18. oh hell i just had a thought if this might be just another of Mashas schemes to get viewers what with Mashas tendency to take situations and draw them out as long as she could sometimes in the past,examples the threesome with Sasha and Dasha thing and another girl that hung out and how long was it before Piper would even bathe with lights on then went on to do anything you can think of on cam so maybe this is the Masha turns a gay guy bi saga lol
  19. another extended visit together to the off cam bathroom,they did this the other night then naked cuddled for awhile with each taking turns every 20 minutes or so after that to go to the bathroom obviously to do drugs but then went to sleep after that curious what drug were they doing that they went to sleep i know pot can do that sometimes
  20. it was a stand alone post not a response to any comment ,he came on here and said he didnt care what anyone thought and all three were prostitutes advertising to get guys,if you come on here and make a statement like that you can count on somebody calling you out on it
  21. Luya should have just had her name put up and not just a guest she has been here long enough just seems like she should get a little cash out of the deal seeing as she has not been shy showing her cute little self durring her stay
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