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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. the real flaw with that arguement is you can actually see the increase in the number of deaths in the population , regardless of what you may think there was a increase in the mortality rate amongst the population hey all those intensive care units didnt fill up for nothing after all
  2. had a good freind spend 8 weeks in intensive care and was in a coma for a few weeks with covid and known several other people that have actually died from it ,i am so sick of people trying to gloss this over because of a political belief its crazy
  3. I can read a 400 page book in a day but granted punctuation and spelling was never my strong point but hey take things in context like that guy really thought i wanted to be a pirate and murder and rape and steal but the gov wont let me,really you cant see thats sarcasm
  4. no not really he is just a professional troll constantly putting down all the girls and anyone that pays to watch them, but wont subscribe ever but spends a few hours every day finding out what the girls are doing and then just trolling for anyone that will fight with him
  5. looks like all three girls in the bathroom for a private group call maybe setting up some future event or just talking to one of the guys that was just there
  6. hey i see its kinda like the old days if you dont have a sub they let you see the thumbnails ,but they are all members only not any free cams
  7. i brought up a good example the other day on the B2 thread that you could see a girl go up on the roof with a guy and her come back down and grab a box of condoms a jar of lube and a vibrator and not come back down for a couple of hours and if you said they had sex there is always some guy saying well you dont know what they did you have no proof its like that with Matina everyone thinks if she does not come home and tell A on cam what she did it never happened
  8. and why exactly were M and this guy in the bathroom off M's bedroom when M's girlfriend was laying on the couch
  9. if my wife went to parties at a guys house every friday night then i had video of him and her in the bathroom talking then each taking turns going to the bathroom while the other watched then and after i got home i saw her in his arms in the kitchen and her girlfriend wipping her tit out and they closed the kitchen door for the first time ever when i was in the shower i might just be tempted to think M and this guy are more than just school buddies lol
  10. yes i think all valid points have been presented and we are venturing into repetition any ways
  11. getting mine too needless to say i have copd and really cant afford to get covid,and had my wifes youngest son a lowlife meth head that was constantly risking exposing me and his mother to it me and her were taking every precaution to avoid it only to have him come here 3 times a day after doing god knows what with no regard to if he was bringing a something to our house that could kill either his own mother or myself both of whom have health conditions that make covid deadly to us but the wife made me let him in just because she loves her youngest and was willing to put us both at risk because of it
  12. actually its just a variation of the common cold that is a sars virus that mutates about once a decade to become a more lethal version and the afore mentioned Sars virus of a couple of decades ago is a good example from recent history and getting vaxxed cant hurt the slowing of the spread
  13. i feel the same way about the 1/3 or better of my countries people that wont get vaxxed then bitch about how the virus is still here and will do absolutely nothing to stop it out of a political point i hope those assholes get it 😀
  14. so thats a conundrum one person reluctant to get vaxxed and the other going out partying and we have seen how M is when partying with our own eyes not exactly a germaphobe to say the least lol
  15. hopefully by now but that didnt stop her before the vaccines were available swapping spit with half the girls in B4 and having Daniel all over her she was not exactly being careful just saying
  16. thats the thing about Covid its not so incredibly deadly that half the people die like the black death from the middle ages but it does kill more people than we are used to,i personally have known a few people that died from it had a guy that i considered to be a good friend in the past spent 8 weeks in intensive care in a coma at times so to say A is ignoring Covid when its M that is ignoring it in her selfish desire to only worry about having a good time and if she brings home a semi deadly disease oh well
  17. good old Harley i have had him on ignore for years but still see some of his posts i usually ignore them but a couple times a year i just have to give him a hard time like the other day lol,edited he really hates it when i go after him and that makes it more fun when i do do it lol
  18. yes if i remember right you have pointed out to people on here when i was being sarcastic in the past,i just dont get it this guy really thought i wanted to be a pirate and murder and rape when actually anyone that knows me knows i really wanted to be a viking and murder and rape and pillage 🤣
  19. damn i hate having to explain to people with no sense humor what sarcasm is,this isnt the first time people have taken my sarcasm and thought i was being serious when i use humor to drive home a point
  20. i brought up the same thing about her and Karol ,what was the last thing she did was it sex with Daniel or was it getting eaten out by Alek and her and Megan didnt do anything together for months before they left after Holly eating Megan a couple times a month
  21. hey Noldus i noticed that a bunch of the girls that opened B4 are here edited i mean are on RLC in different apts though but there is Leia karol and the twins and i cant remember who else was there though
  22. and then lucian walked in oh thats right it was all the times after that and its funny how that evolved from him just walking in on them and them all acting shy to the next time them including him in the massage then next time they took turns sucking his dick
  23. god damned gov telling us what we can and cant do,i wanted to be a pirate and steal rape and murder for a living 😁but the damned Gov always telling us what we cant do its tyranny im telling you
  24. we used to have forced military service and even now are required to attend school and have a bunch of vaccinations to do that and everyone has to pay taxes and we cant go in a store with no shoes or shirt cant smoke in a public building have to be 21 to drink or smoke but only 18 to be in a porn movie but my point is our whole lives what we can or cant do do is dictated by the gov but now all of a sudden getting a vaccine for covid is tyranny lol
  25. that was exactly what i said before when i said the couples are the same a controling woman and a guy that goes along with what ever they want lol
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