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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. so who thinks they will all leave after cake and go to the club or will there be something kinky here,its Alex's birthday you don't think Irma wont do something special for him
  2. all the other girls made it a point to be elsewhere except Bellle and alex brought her maybe a show set up for later
  3. I'm kinda thinking that's why I'm starting to like you,as I stated earlier the scotch kinda does the same to me lol fuck political correctness
  4. kinda pisses me off they go to a swingers club and all we get is body paintings,dont mind me guys this is the part of the evening when the scotch starts speaking
  5. and I believe the only reason we saw Irma going down on the 2 girls was because every one was pissed at her for taking off for the weekend and she was non stop masterbating and nudity and lesbian encounters for 5 or 6 days straight but since then nothing,so I'm with you they are having all their real fun outside the project
  6. damn and to think I renewed today just because I was afraid they might do more body painting upstairs or at B2 and I didn't want to miss it lol
  7. This is as exciting as watching paint dry the only way this group will do anything is if stella gets another batch of party juice
  8. I think they would do it at the club a show for alex and we will never see it for all we know they have been right along
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