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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. i don't know,maybe the fact that half the couple apts have guests that have sex on line that is on the internet forever and they do it for free,to expect people that are actually paid for it to be open is to much huh
  2. i can go back on my time line and actually have you asking me to share videos with you,you said you did not feel sorry for me paying for it but then you ask for us guys who pay for it to share with you wtf how can you justify this
  3. well i remember you trying to get me to share videos with you ,you seam like a lurker not willing to pay for it wanting to see it but bitchin about anyone who actually pays for it
  4. and to think i just renewed my subscription tonight just to have them stay out all night,guess they did their job so to speak
  5. because they are paid to act horny,hey have u checked out half the couple apts they do it several times a day and still act horny.and i have not said the other girls have been to club yet as far as we know only Irma has been there of the girls in this apt now
  6. so what does that have to do with a guy saying a girl had garbage in her brain so you figure they are at the sex club too i would not doubt it also
  7. I am sure she has that was not my point,i was just sayin could you imagine a sexual being like Irma would do on a drug like that
  8. wow its starting to blow stellas door shut damn that is some wind you can really hear it blow,on the up side now her door is shut it might be warmer in the other rooms
  9. what this apt is the best there is always somebody having sex 24/7 total openness ,don't believe what you hear on the failing camcaps so sad
  10. oh hell yes you can run down lev all day and no one will say a word,but one of the girls says they do paid escort service you better not bring that up lol
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