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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. well stellas hair is put back,after all the time she worked on it before they left she must have put it back for a reason
  2. imagine about now alex is jacking off with a pair of tweezers while watching Irma go down on stella ,lmao I got to admit I crack myself up sometimes
  3. go to liveomg its a site that shows the best of periscope its 80% Russians and they do it for free and yes they do this teasing all the time and sometimes not just teasing they just don't live by our rules
  4. I know I think she is perfect the way she is,she has become my favorite rlc girl its about time they gave her her own apt
  5. the problem is half the people cant handle it when real life does creep into the barc apts,they got this fantasy in their heads and cant stand it if the girls do something they don't approve of,hell I'm guilty myself I hate the whole alex thing but isn't a beautiful young woman with a sugar daddy about as real life as it gets I guess i just don't like her involving the other girls
  6. Anyone else notice Danaya has only been back to B1 once since Irma sucked on her clit and that was for a party everyone was at I don't think she was cool with what went down
  7. true but that guy was young good looking and hung like a horse and provided drugs,just what does Alex bring to the situation
  8. just like the guys who said they didn't get bonus money huh,wont believe it till they hear it from the girls mouths
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