my ex and her wife would love to have that discussion with you when you say it is not sex if they are the same sex lol and so would millions of gays and lesbians I am sure
still don't change she would not let park get involved does it ,so is it she was a lesbian or she has a man you guys twist yourselves in knots trying to defend this I don't really care
well its pretty certain they have fucked before,most any red-blooded male would have been in that all night if it was the first time she is hot as hell
since when is a threesome a gangbang,and she acted so drunk because they woke her up,she was coming around and like I said was coherent enough to get on her bf and ride him ,and even so with it going um it all still happened we just didn't see it if Angie had Masha's bathroom I bet the world we would have seen her get double teamed RLC only covered their asses and went um for the open drug use and the legal issues involved
she was under the influence every time she had sex with the bf so drunk she could not walk one time so its ok then right and most every big sex event on RLC has had drugs involved and she was sober enough to mount her bf and ride him while the other guy cut up some more coke
thanks I missed that,I checked to see if she had the floor fuckers knees and she was clear I remember Martina's knees after a session with Nelly lol oh sorry for the language
just in general you would think a site like this would get more sluts, there have been surprisingly few considering they work for a voyure site after all