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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. so your proof is one couple out of a multitude didnt have sex for a few months,but that gets away from the point of the fact she sucks a dick and licks a pussy on the internet and she gets paid to do it.would you marry a girl willing to do that for a pay check and a free apartment
  2. who ,lol and i am sure everyone was watching them all the time so your point is out of all the couples that were on here you found one couple nobody remembers that went a few months without having sex so that proves me wrong like i said you guys crack me up sometimes
  3. if you think that proved your point you must be retarded like i said when it comes to Lerora or Martina guys just lose their ability for rational thought on here sometimes
  4. god some of you are as bad as the cult of Leora,do i need to explain this yes a couple could get on here and not have sex on cam technically but how many months do you think they would last and everyone on here would be doing nothing but put them down for it
  5. if that is so ask yourself would Martina be getting a free apt and a paycheck if she refused to have sex on cam,so the only reason any of them have a job and apt is the willingness to have sex on cam
  6. lets see we have a woman that has sex on cam for a living and had a lesbian fling on cam but im sure when she goes out all night till 6 or 7 am and gets totally shitfaced she is just having fun kinda like we saw at B4 when she was partying there all night just having '' fun'' lol
  7. you guys crack me up first you claim M and A read the forum so they know there are translators and yet you believe they talk about every thing on cam no matter how bad it might make them look just because they never ever do anything off cam that they dont want us to know after all lol 😇
  8. funny that night Martina and Marta brought home Martinas friday party buddy nobody said much about Martina and him in Martinas bathroom first one of them on cam talking to the other one while the other one is off cam using the toilet i would assume then they switched and the other was talking to the other one off cam again using the toilet as there is not much else they could be doing after all
  9. kinda like when her and Marta came home with the guy she parties with most every friday night and they were all flirting with him and when Al came home they closed the kitchen door for the first time in my memory ,can you say hey Al we are doing stuff in the kitchen with this guy and we dont want you to see than that
  10. well you say Martina has such high tastes like the fat man that sucks her hair and she walks home at 2am and is gone for over three hours and Nelly thats way to skinny and fake tits and is not good looking at all and lets just say Al is no prize himself so when it comes to Martinas tastes lets just say it leaves a little to be desired
  11. there must be some festival where her and all her friends are out all night and she is invited to watch the sun rise isnt that what we are told every time she is out all night anymore and oh there is no Michael btw he is just a figment of our imagination lol
  12. i just could not ever say the words i sure would like to see Harley naked it just makes me throw up in my mouth a little just thinking of it lol 🤣
  13. why not they partied all the time with stella and she was fucking Curly in the past and it sure looked like they did it again off cam this visit when they went to the beach for like 14 hours
  14. its not that they think it should be all sex all the time but i believe what pisses them off is you have girls here some of them for a year at a time and never have sex on cam once now that is what pisses people off when you know they are getting laid all the time off cam i refuse to believe these girls go hundreds of days without having sex
  15. i have seen him at B1 working on a water issue in the kitchen and showing the other guy what to do
  16. she goes out partying till 6 or 7am all the time lately and you are wondering why she has not gone home yet lol
  17. Martinas drug use is a perfect example of how we dont hear anything bad about her from the translators and i have seen her and Alburto do drugs on cam but it never gets mentioned by the Martina loving translators so what else do they neglect to mention just wondering
  18. well the way the one guy fawns all over her and says how much he thinks of Martinas mom do any of you think he would actually translate anything bad about her
  19. heres a question have any one of the interpreters ever translated anything that would make Martina look bad just wondering
  20. how the hell does he know everything about Martina before RLC and what she did all the time in her home town or knowing so much about her mother and nobody finds any of this strange
  21. that guy literally has the best job ever,have you ever seen all those beautiful young women he has had and he fucks everyone that i watched in the ass
  22. some people on here think if you didnt see it it never happened and so you can never talk about it ever
  23. and what is she doing out till 7 am drunk off cam night after night ,saying her roseries lol
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