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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. what a shame they just happened to kill all the free cams today seeing as everything tonight would have been on two free cams funny how that worked out huh
  2. maybe they all knew Al would be home and that explains the restraint,also it was said this is the guy that gets the student get togethers Martina is always going to knowing Martina when she is partying he has probally seen worse from her a couple of times
  3. Masha's free cam is back on now,edited that didnt last long its back off all ready
  4. for a guy that hates RLC and all the tennants and says we are crazy if we pay, he sure spends a good part of his life day after day year after year worrying about what the tennants he hates are doing on and off cam talk about a nut case that really could use a life
  5. thats because half the time its a free cam ,dont understand why this one cam is free half the time and blocked the rest of the time
  6. that could be the one i remember now you mention it,they asked for girls to join and described the house,then someone went all sherlock holmes and went thru the real estate records for the city listed and figured out what house it was and thought it was a good idea to share it with everyone
  7. i remember when RLC said they bought a house in the USA named the city and in like less than a hour someone was posting the address and a picture of the house on here
  8. sure give another apt to one of the guys that made it so we have no parties in B4 anymore sure there was one not long ago and what happened the cops showed up again and of course they ignored them again ,so lets make it so 2 of the four guys that were blasting the music all night at the Gina one year party get a apt,and people say they might be closing B4 well i wonder why
  9. maybe the people behind VHTV know how to kiss the right oligarchs ass,i think we have all heard how Putin and his rich pals who run everything in Russia work they are all in it to get as rich as they can anyways thats just a thought
  10. it was more than just once he was there playing with her hair and he would only show up when A was not there he only just started showing up with AL there and thats after hearing how many times we heard she was with him off cam that people thought for sure she was having sex with who ever this mysterious Michael was come to find out it was creepy fat dude the whole time
  11. Alburto is just a super woke kinda guy that lets his wife have sex out of the relationship with no desires of his own to do the same according to almost everyone on this forum
  12. all this time Michael was Creepy fat dude that plays with martinas ears and neck and puts Martinas hair in his mouth while she was laying against him on the couch who she then spent like 3 hours walking him home at 2 or 3 am lol 🤣
  13. after how much time in her own apt and never had sex only fake lesbian teases that never led any where and no social life on cam only one guest i ever saw there some guy that just comes over to watch tv a few times so i cant understand why you dont like it lol
  14. she would fit right in with the current cast of girls in the GOV apts lol
  15. it was actually 130 pages of comments and at least 1/3 of it was guys begging for video lol
  16. very good point,just exactly the same reason you dont let a slacker get away with doing nothing at work next thing you know nobody wants to work if they see they can get paid the same for doing nothing
  17. to help make your point if RLC is not a porn site why is it a pop up on some porn sites,thats how i found it
  18. wonder why RLC has not replaced the 2 girls that left yet
  19. thats what i dont get about Lola she used to be very active dont forget the orgy and the time Stella hid every thing and Lola would start stripping the girls pretty much every time they partied what made her change so much guess the bonuses were not cutting it
  20. this is how bad RLC is now 9 out of the top 10 replays now are Leora and Malia just sitting on the couch lol
  21. pitiful thing is most of these girls would do that on any of the nude beaches for nothing but they are doing us a favor letting us pay for it are we not lucky lol
  22. the most exciting thing i saw with these people was one time Hanna had her tits out in front of Timur in what had to be the slowest game of strip poker ever i might have missed it if Tereza ever showed her tits to Aaron ,considering Piper and Taylor were walking around topless and wearing thongs in front of their roomates the day after moving into B5 or what we saw with Clair and Carlos or the lesbian fling with Bonnie and Alex yes these people are boring as hell
  23. well it would be nice if RLC would not keep bringing back girls who do nothing on cam just saying
  24. guys have got on here and said what a loser he is for not trying harder to have sex with the twins when he is in bed with them,well maybe thats because he is already having sex with them off cam and we know the twins do nothing real on cam and will never have sex on cam i just dont see them doing a complete turn around like Gina did
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