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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. He seems to care for her..Some are monogamous some are not.. I remember her on the couch at Drews when they all had sex and she slept on the couch and didn't participate. Hope she can stick with it.
  2. ah,,she has been with other guys.. couldn't tell it was unwilling..interesting
  3. but they have been with other people in the last few weeks here right?
  4. Why was there an orgy with anyone who came in the door then when this blonde shows up they act like a married couple..????
  5. That may be why it's so interesting..seems those who just have mad sex all the time are quickly forgotten. Have my attention
  6. No one really knows what really happened away from here. Sid is not a bad guy but Sid is Sid. He takes electronics into the bath with his sexy GF.. Bails on her advances, goes right back to his screen. She has been home for at least 24 hours and he basically ignores her. No attraction is evident. No wonder she goes into a shell. Weather you like Bob or not, her activeness when Bob was there was because someone paid attention to her and wanted to jump her bones whenever she is in the room. Sid could be that guy but Sid for whatever reason, is Sid.
  7. who is the blond girl, these people like her and Bob ect just seem to show up for drama. almost seem like plants but also seem like maybe friends that come to visit??
  8. I'm confused why the three of them don't just have a threesome. The girls pet and cuddle, Dasha seems game to take it further.. and Sasha has been all over both of their bodies..seems like such a natural event..What are they waiting for..
  9. 22 year old Darcy on the end of your dick helps..haha
  10. If Darcy has shown anything, she can carry this apartment without being Rick's little fantasy. You go girl..
  11. He is their only hope to get to her..although she left her date with Mira and Henry..
  12. Sid doesn't come out of his coma I'm calling Bob
  13. Well if things are taken right..there may be some for even Rick..Otherwise she's not afraid to bolt..Be surprised if she takes any more from Rick than she did from Henry..But who knows..it's been a strange week..Dilly Dilly..lol
  14. Something sent them scrambling.. cleaning like hell..
  15. Not sure if he's done with Stella..working on the heavy friend right now..
  16. He's the boss. Only part I hate about their situation.
  17. Well Stells is a good sport..not by choice
  18. Wonder if he is a Boss of their company.
  19. Haven't seen Stella with another guy..should be interesting..
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