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Everything posted by upndown

  1. TO LEORA, Leora my dearest, I've held you the nearest, Of all of the girls through the years, But please don't bring hubby, He's going bald and quite tubby, I'd be a-Paul-ed, and quite close to tears!!
  2. Nice to see a name I recognise! I see you have moved up in the world, Mr Global Moderator! - well deserved!! My wife died two and a half years ago which really messed me up. However, my spring is starting to get a bit of its old bounce back, so I'll likely be on here a bit more.
  3. I don't think RLC would open an all new apartment if they thought it was temporary. I am a bit surprised she came alone. Thought she would have brought the dog! I always felt a little sorry for Leora in what looked like a rather humdrum existence. She seems to have so much more to offer. I truly hope she now gets a chance to fulfil some of her dreams. I send her my love and best wishes for the future.
  4. LEORA!!!!!!! My life is complete again!!! Wouldn't it be nice if she had some visits from Masha or even Nelly. This is so momentous that I have been forced out of retirement to post for the first time in years!!!!
  5. Mikey, it don't matter much, If your full of imperfection, The only love you really need, Is from the guy in your reflection.
  6. Heidi's cold or maybe flu, May stop her doing some things, But when it comes to horny time, She'll rub it til her bell rings!
  7. When your belly needs a little fill, And your pussy starts to tingle, The answer now seems very clear, Treat both ends to a Pringle!!
  8. I haven't posted on the site for about a year! I did not like the new set-up or the fact that everyone was fighting with each other. Then, when Foamy announced that he wasn't actually a squirrel, I just couldn't take any more!! Anyway, I'm now recovered but I have a problem. It's the kind of problem that needs answers from perverted, dumb, self-centered, egotistical ass-holes, so I thought that this was the best place to come. My problem is, that since the other night, I have twice heard Sam Smith singing 'I'm not the only one' on the radio. Each time, 'ma wee Boaby' has started twitching!! Now, I have absolutely nothing against gay men. I also have no desire to have anything against gay men. However, having 'ma wee Boaby' react when a gay man starts to sing a particular song is more than I can take!!! So please, I need all you dickheads to come up with some ideas! I also note that there seems to be some more lovely ladies on the forum. Your help would be even more appreciated!! P.S. Euromike, I see you are still here. You advice is not needed!! There is a limit to how dumb and egotistical I will listen to!!
  9. I know what you mean. As you get older, patience gets in increasingly short supply. By the time you use up the amount required to jerk one off, there isn't a lot left !!!
  10. Looks like there are books there. Maybe this pair can even read!!!
  11. Give a square table to my wife to assemble ...Presto, a perfect triangle!!
  12. WHAT!!!! You're not a squirrel!!!!!!!! You lying little bastard!!!!
  13. I agree with some of that MrBox, but I think it is a very big leap from one girl doing cam shows, to the VV experience. I know that C&M did some cam stuff, but as far as I am aware, that was free, mutual stuff with other couples. I really don't think that there are any other tenants in the apartments that will follow Blue's behaviour. As far as RLC is concerned, I don't think they will be happy about it, and may well put an end to it. I'm sure it is not the way they want to see the site evolve. Personally, I'm quite happy to see a cute looking girl showing us her naughty bits!! ::)
  14. I don't think RLC will be as happy about this as we are. I doubt if they'll like a guest running a cam show from their premises. I hope they will see that it could bring in more premium members, but I doubt it. I think we should enjoy it while it lasts, which might not be very long. :idk:
  15. My tuppence worth!! I have posted hardly anything for a few days, mainly because the atmosphere here is not conducive to light-hearted entertainment, which is what this forum should be. I am constantly amazed, that supposedly intelligent mature adults will conduct heated arguments on a anonymous forum. You might as well stand and shout at a wall!! You cannot win an argument on an internet forum with an anonymous opponent!! What you can achieve however, is pissing off the people who just want to spend a pleasant hour or two having a chat and a laugh. So I ask the people involved, to take a moment and think before replying to trolls, insults, or even other people's opinions. Let's be nice out there!! :yes: :yes:
  16. On the subject of who is the most beautiful, etc., I think the thing that tends to be overlooked when judging Leora, is the circumstances in which she lives, compared to K&K, or the Barca girls. I often wonder what Leora could be like if she was in a happy, carefree environment, where she had some girls to talk to and laugh with. I think it is quite amazing how she keeps herself so perfect in what seems to be a very dismal situation.
  17. OK. The first part I'm not going to waste my time answering. However, the part about finding a girlfriend might just be interesting. I might have to ask you to speak to my wife though about permission. I've tried a couple of times in our forty plus years of marriage, but it always resulted in me experiencing physical pain! :doh: :no:
  18. Looks to me more like she's saying "Hey eurodude, your toast"!! :haha: :haha: :nana:
  19. Mr1010, As an expert practitioner in the art of telepathic communication, I am really pleased that you are trying to see if you have similar powers. May I respectfully suggest that telling someone to eat cereal with a spoon is possibly not the best test. Other things that may not qualify as a test would be telling someone to put their socks on before their shoes, using a towel to dry their hands, when walking, put one foot in front of the other, etc., etc.. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :haha: :haha: :haha: :lmao: :lmao:
  20. I think it can be difficult for us to understand why such beauties would not be in high demand in the modelling profession. If however you visit some of the eastern block cities, the number of truly stunning women is awesome. Some time ago,I sat with some colleagues outside a cafe on the banks of the Danube in Budapest. We actually played 'spot a pig' to see if anyone could spot a female that was not beautiful! :yes:
  21. No, no, you're not getting away with the 'developing and printing' B.S. snaky. You're obviously using the old one-handed Poleriod camera trick! :yes:
  22. No problem Mikey, although you will have to pay your year's arrears to continue. Update!!! I've just heard back from K&K&R. They are more than happy to come over and help launch the site. K&K have both volunteered to oil my spring, and Rita says she has a novel way to wax my moustache! I've also heard from Zoya's guest. Once we got talking, it was obvious we had a lot in common. Neither of us wash with any regularity, and I also wear the same underwear for days on end. It's a small world! :yes: :yes: :haha: :haha:
  23. You may be interested in a new site I am starting- 'The upndowns of a pervert'. It's only £100 (about $150) per month. A real bargain! You'll get to see me oiling my spring, waxing my 'tash, and watching porn on my laptop. Fees are paid annually in advance. Please pm me for payment details. Hurry, I'm limiting membership to 1,000,000! :yes: :woohoo: :yes:
  24. I thought it was from a love bite you gave her. You know, the one's where you take your dentures out first!! :lmao: :lmao:
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