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Everything posted by bookmaster8

  1. I've only seen her shower twice and that was during their first week. I don't know if she ever showers or changes where she can be seen anymore. I don't know why RLC gave them an apartment.
  2. What makes you think that? Did you hear one of them say something to that effect? Just curious.
  3. I'm not a big Ilona fan and I did hear a fair amount of the conversation. But, I think it's questionable that she was referring to postings on CC. She could just as easily been talking about stuff she is reading on any of the social media sites that she is constantly perusing or text messages that she has received or seen elsewhere. I never heard her mention the source of any of the quotes that she was reading. So, unless someone actually saw what was on her screen that she was reading from, I'm not ready to accuse her of referring to CC posters. I will admit that I tend to give Ilona a little slack because I believe she has a real medical problem and has built a wall around herself to protect her from being hurt. Her past history prior to coming to RLC included some very nasty treatment. I hope she can break out of the cage she has put herself in because she is missing out on a lot of fun because of it.
  4. I'm well aware of that. It's why I said "almost". I actually liked her tattoos, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have cost her a few modeling jobs. As a rule, I don't usually like them. But, Irma's looked nice to me. The script font was nice and the way the words curved around her was pretty sensual IMO. :)
  5. Personally, I think the biggest reason that people gripe about this particular apartment and scream about it not being "real life" is that they expect the girls who stay here to live a "normal" life like most other people. The fact of the matter is that almost all of the girls who have stayed in this apartment for the last year (while I've been an RLC member) are professional models or model wannabees. Anyone who works in that profession lives a very different kind of life. They don't have jobs that they have to go to daily. They have very short modeling gigs that only last a day or two for the most part and then days or weeks of inactivity waiting for the next paying modeling gig. What we are seeing here is very close to what a "normal" model's daily life is like. The only part that is not "normal" is that they show some extra skin and occasionally put on little "shows" for the paying members because they know that ratings matter to the people who are providing the temporary room and board. It's also why almost none of the girls who have stayed here have any permanent tattoos. Every tattoo that a model has on her body automatically eliminates them from certain specific modeling jobs. They want to maximize their chances at getting modeling assignments. I believe it's also why they spend even more time putting on make-up and trying on different outfits than "normal" women do. Their looks are the source of their livelihood. If everyone was absolutely honest with themselves, I think they would have to admit that the regular long-term residents in the other apartments actually are a lot less "normal" than regular non-models. Almost none of them hold a normal day to day job either the way most average people do. "Normal" couples also don't make sure that they make love under the sheets so that no one can see them. That's just my 2 cents. You can certainly disagree strongly with me. But, that's the way I see it. I hope I haven't offended anyone who has an opposing view.
  6. They are not albino nipples. They are bleached. It's becoming more popular among models because it allows the girls to wear more sheer tops without the dark nipples showing through. I understand that it is becoming the norm in Japan from what I've read. Personally, I don't like it at all. I think nipple and areola color are an important factor in appreciating the beauty of the breasts.
  7. Maybe part of the problem with fully understanding what was meant by some of the things he said in the text is that he doesn't speak Russian and Ilona doesn't speak whatever his native language is. So, they communicate in English which they both speak but not real fluently. :idk: In any case, it doesn't sound to me like a discussion with an escort and client. It sounds more like they met at a club or something and acted like young people act in clubs. ;)
  8. I don't want to ruin a good fantasy, but last night Ilona was reading text messages she received from a guy (seemed to be one of the guys she met last night) in English to Danaya and what she was reading did not indicate any type of escort service. He was telling her that he loved her and wanted to be with her, but he didn't move on her last night because she was with her girl friend (Danaya). He said that he thinks he loves her and indicated that he was interested in a long-term relationship with her. He went on to say that he wanted to take her somewhere on Sunday so that she could get to know him better and so forth. Ilona was laughing when she was reading this. So, it seems more likely to me that they went to some club or something and did the usual kind of flirting that all single girls do. It's just my opinion, but I'm not ready to buy into any kind of escort or prostitution operation yet.
  9. See, I know that you are honest in your posts. So, can you tell me what you see that makes you believe strongly that she has breast implants? They look natural to me. The only thing unnatural that I see are the bleached nipples. I don't see any scars anywhere to indicate that she has implants. What are you seeing that I'm not?
  10. As promised, I am reposting my top 5 girls here: 1) Kamila; 2) Rita; 3) Irma; 4) Nelly; 5) Zoya
  11. I love this girl's looks, but what is the purpose to having 9 identical gifs in the same post? Am I missing something?
  12. I think it's more fear than shyness. :yes:
  13. Actually, we did see Anna sucking on Irma's tits. Unfortunately, she realized the cameras were on and panicked and stopped. That was really hot. I thought we were going to finally get lucky. But, no such luck.
  14. Yes. I agree on the boobs. Beautiful. However, as a side note, I'd like to kill whatever genius came up with the idea to have women (especially models) bleach their nipples and areolas so that they wouldn't show through their tops. They are the best part IMO.
  15. If I were the suspicious type, I would think that Ilona is making her think that she and Layla do a lot more to please the viewers. Just from all the arm gestures and tone of voice, it seems like she's spouting total b.s. ;) It doesn't matter though because, in a couple days, Danaya will see the truth. :yes:
  16. Is it just me or does Sasha act like he doesn't even want to be around Demid? Often, when I check in, Sasha is in the bedroom and the other 3 are in the main living room/kitchen area.
  17. It is rather amazing that you can have 2 quite attractive young women in an apartment who are often nude or nearly nude and yet feel as though there is nothing worth watching there. I never would have thought that I would feel that way, but I think it's because even though they may be nude, there is nothing sensual about their behavior. They just don't seem to have any real interest in sex. I guess it's also because their behavior seems to be phony and only done to get viewer clicks. :idk:
  18. I don't know. My guess is that they are just good friends from school. Efim is also good friends with Zoya. He spent the night on her couch one time when Lev was away. Zoya slept in her own bed. No hanky-panky. But, about a week or so later at one of N&B's parties, Zoya was there and Efim came over and gave her a big hug and seemed to be thanking her for helping him get a date with Diana again (he brought Diana to the party). That was before he started dating his current girlfriend.
  19. I would say that is a slight exaggeration. But, she does eat a lot of them. I think one day I counted a dozen. lol.
  20. Foamy and mr1010, thanks for the feedback. I'm think I'm going to pick a few pics from both RLC and outside environment just in case it's decided that outside photos are ok as long as they are tasteful (no porn stuff) and have nothing on them to identify the girls. I have some really terrific pics of Kamila that are not from when she was in the RLC apartment. If the decision stands that we cannot use them, that's fine. But, I want to have them ready just in case. :)
  21. I have a question before I start putting time into this. Do we have to use pictures of the girls that actually took place in RLC or can we supply a picture of them from another source? Oops. I have another question. How long are we going to have to do all the prep work? We are getting a major blizzard tomorrow where I live (over 2 feet of snow and winds way above 35 mph) and will probably lose internet access for who knows how long over the next week.
  22. I haven't had time to read through all the new information, but I definitely want Kamila in my group (as I stated previously). I will send more info after reading what has been posted. :)
  23. But, when they moved in, they were lovers. They slept in the same bed and had sex a number of times. However, they seemed to have a lot of little arguments and finally decided to sleep in separate rooms. I also know that they were together as a couple before they ever appeared on RLC.
  24. That's certainly possible. But, that would be a shame because it's very obvious that she really loves him and she seems like a nice girl.
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