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Max Ragnar

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Everything posted by Max Ragnar

  1. At the old apartment she was bating on the leather chair and lost it squirting all over the floor. Quite a puddle I might add.
  2. You nailed it.
  3. Leora sure loves the taste of pussy. Malia's lucky to get out in of there in time the way things progressed
  4. She's gonna blow her doors off. Long slow start
  5. Agree. She and Malia incrementally advanced their sexual behavior to where Leora was tasting her juices. If she had stay no doubt more would have happened
  6. She back on the clock moving it around. $$$ How much longer does she think she can be in RLC? Wonder if she'll be the first 40 year old on RLC? Be interesting watching her age as we have seen from 2013 and the changes so far. She's far more attractive now than then in my opinion. She'll still have it if she stops eating just before bedtime as that habit packs on the pounds especially after 30. Nice looking woman and probably still will be. When she leaves I drop my RLC subscription that day.
  7. Awright. Now heal up and stay away from trees and ladders
  8. Nich, Are you married? Do you have kids? Max
  9. Nich, If it was normal everyone including children would be watching it. It is not it is a flaw of which I share for unique personal life situations/reasons of my own. Does you wife, girlfriend, daughter know what you watch and of your participation on this forum?
  10. Because, honestly, its as addictive as booze or drugs, neither of which is right.
  11. RE: "..a possibility that exists that someone else there could have very well been informed of the cams installed in the apartment and that a potential of being observed on the net exists for whoever agreed to allow themselves to be exposed to the cams, and in doing so could very well have been asked beforehand whether they would agree to signing a consent disclosure or not." If it was normal, moral and socially acceptable to normal people why not do it? Because it is not. Leora lives in an immoral bubble of her own choice. LB would 86 her if he knew what she does on the web.
  12. All I know is what I have seen for some 8 years and what is deliberately hidden by the cam girl called Leora. It is deliberately hidden. Pride exposes shame hides. When a woman has a so called boyfriend who isn't allowed in her apartment (paid by voyeurs) then the whose life is a sham?
  13. Succinctly, Nicholas, as to it being right or wrong, let me ask you a question. Would you approve of your wife or daughter doing what Leora does on international internet (recorded forever)? I watch because it is a shock to my system. A playboy magazine on steroids. I believe it's wrong but the addiction to see her causes me to still watch. If it's moral then encourage your wife or daughter or girlfriend to by all means go o the internet and do what Leora has done. If it wasn't wrong who would watch?
  14. Right or wrong according to our opinion? She knows it 'wrong' or she would be honest with everyone she knows. Hello? If she didn't think it was wrong she tell daddy, "Hey dad, I masturbated on the balcony at night with the lights on in view of other apartments and live on international internet and it excited me". She knows it's not normal honorable behavior. We watch because its not normal. Its really out there abnormal. Who would watch people shopping?
  15. Nicholas, I understand what you say. With life experience to base my comments she is living a life that will not cause her to maximize her potential. Why do I watch? It's because as I wrote it is a total shock to me to see what she shows. I find it almost unbelievable to see what we see her (and others do) knowing they are being watched. If you had grown up in the traditional stable world, father/mother dinner as a family, divorce almost non-existent, all businesses and sports closed on Sunday world I did you would understand why she is so different from what I ever thought would exist. I never in my wildest dreams would have ever thought a woman would do the things she does knowing others watch.
  16. Holy smokes their prices are ridiculous. Is this typical city costs? I'd never live in a city in a building with many apartments and worse without acreage. Like rats climbing all over themselves
  17. Good observations and the Prague price COL is appreciated I agree with your observation except the father part. If she was my daughter I'd be mortified (ashamed) at what she's doing. But she probably has hidden this from him as well as her friends which she won't allow in. Leora lives in two worlds. I think if she was proud of her life in the cameras she wouldn't hesitate to tell her friends and family. If what she is doing isn't wrong per se she would be like Marsha who hasn't a lick of modesty in her. I think Leora hides her real apartment life because she thinks her friends and family would look at her differently. She is an exhibitionist and it excites her. But she knows it's not normal or respectable. That reality says a lot to me. That's why I think she is selling her life out for easy money. Her choice but a waste of a life that has so much potential. If she thought her cam girl life as acceptable she would be honest with everyone she knows and she isn't. When I was a young man porn was on8mm movies and came in illegally from Sweden. If you got caught with one it was a felony. In the late 60s it changed. Here we are watching a woman do everything, even inset a tampon in front of us on live TV. What a different world we live in. The psychological ramifications of this life we watch and comment on is fascinating, at times exciting and I think will end in her heart break. You always have a interesting perspective, ddhm.
  18. Well said. I think her apartment is pretty basic by what I've liven in. If I was her (speaking of myself) I could never ever do what she does in front of people for a normal apartment and expenses or even a top end apartment and massive money. I think she has a lot of potential but is wasting time developing it. I'm pulling for her as a person not a woman to watch bate. It's her life. IMHO she wasting it without no vision of the outcome. What will she do *soon as a 35-40 year old woman to sustain a life of ease in return for masturbating for cameras and to live with no one ever coming to visit and interact because she hides who she is and how she lives. She isn't get time in an occupation with a pension growing or being a married gal with kids. If one asked her 'what do you do for a living'? What could she say other than I'm a cam woman paid with benefits to allow people to watch me 24/7? What would her father say? I think if this is what she wants she should just be honest with her parents and friends and go 'full Monte'. I hope she learns and very soon that the easy way isn't the best for a human being's long term life. Can you imagine her future hypothetical kids watching mommy's past on the internet? The internet is forever. For all these girls who apparently are only living in the now with no regard for the next 40-50 years. I'd love to she her 'click' and begin to become a responsible person in society for her own benefit instead a a video toy for men as a means of support. Pulling for her to see the light.
  19. I would prefer she lived a real life as if we weren't there supporting her. Whatever happens happens. As long as it's real. How she lives now is existence in the apartment with a pose, a bath a bate thrown in to keep the bucks coming. I'd rather she had friends come and interact but she lives a lie.
  20. Agree 100% I wanted to respond to a couple of recent posts with some good facts but I had to bite my tongue (freeze my fingers)
  21. Can't disagree with what you said. Didn't know the neighbors asked he to turn it down. Thanks. My spoiled dogs mind. I don't use harsh methods but I am on top of everything they do (like my kids) and correct each time. Leora (and Paul) ignored the bad behavior. Eva's not a bad dog she was never trained. Paul was always working at his desk in a zone of concentration. Leora was (is) so wrapped up in herself and desires. she's almost oblivious to anything else. A few times she sent Eva out of the guestroom while she masturbated letting the barking continue in the other room. Being a dog owner and especially as a parent requires a lot of attention on the dog/kids or neither will learn anything behaviorally. Leora can't spend that much time on anyone but herself. Can you imagine Leora with 2/3 kids demanding her constant attention? As she is now (a narcissist) I think she'd go nuts. I know she has been involved with dogs in Russia and some form of charity in Prague, but that is nothing like having kids requiring her to pay attention to them and not her. No more long baths, watching TV with her hand on her kitten, going out when she wants or sleeping till 2:00 in the afternoon. I read several pieces on Russian women that described their mindsets as of 20 years ago. The condensed info was that they focus on beauty and dress to the 9s. They want to date, have a career and then when they want to settle down in their 40s it's basically too late to start a family. I see that for Leora. If that's good for her great. But she needs to realize her clock is ticking. At her age I was in a professional career and the top of seniority at my position with 3 kids and a house (I'd bought at 22). If I'd have lived as she does I'd have nothing but a sore peepee and no family/visitors to the house. Just thing out loud
  22. Great point. I was shocked to the volume of her music. Is that normal in Europe? Every place I lived, before 8:00AM or after 10:00PM people called the cops. After the second time or so the manager would warn them and after that give them 30 days to move out. Any violence was an immediate boot. I recall a music war where one apartment played their type loud then a neighbor out did them with another type music. The manger put a stop to that crap. I saved my money and bought a house. Remember when the two girls were on the balcony with the loud music? How come nobody complained? I recall Leora masturbating at night with the balcony lights on. Yikes! Think hotscopes has it it's online. Where I'm from the neighbors would have called the cops. If European apartments accept that loud of music as acceptable then Scutus is right on.
  23. I hope Eva can mind her manners. Every apartment I lived in would demand her removal when another tenant complains. I am astounded that neither Paul or Leora ever trained the dog. Not cruel but like our kids, without training and discipline they go wild. My dogs have it made, my life revolves around them, always has; but they were taught as puppies how to behave and obey. Mine will stay be my side on a highway without a leash (but wouldn't take the chance if you know what I mean) Eva is going to piss off other tenants who have a right to peace and quiet.
  24. Do you know if Eva is coming to visit or stay or is Paul taking her back? Any scuttlebutt on if she can have a noisy dog in her apartment? I love dogs beyond words but Eva has never been trained to mind. Never. They both let her bark without correction. Not Eva's fault. Rarely would Leora (or Paul) even say "Eva" when she barked. I can't understand why they wouldn't train her especially living in an apartment with other tenants. (I think it was very rude and inconsiderate) Could be a problem in Prague especially to other apartments used to peace and quiet. Just my thoughts.
  25. Watching Home Alone
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