Does anyone else think the pink design over the worktops in the kitchen completely clashes with the red wall units in the kitchen?
come on VH interior designers... have you got no taste?
what are those two black objects on the shelf by the computer chair in the loggia?
I think they look like earplugs... or they could be something else..what do you all think?
I really think those stripey cushions on the sofa don't do the living room any justice... they clash with the animal skin rug...I wish an interior decorator would have a word... so tacky.
I think it's great that the dining room chairs match the wall units in the kitchen...Red is so trendy.
My kitchen chairs are brown leather... I really must upgrade.
I wish that prat would stop messing about with the music...It just starts to get interesting.. the couples start dancing and getting feely..and that dickhead breaks off and fucks with the god..that girl of his with the red bra is smoking hot..but he doesn't seemed interested.
I'll never understand Russian men..they are weird.