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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. I can't believe that 6 months ago we were wondering if she would ever masturbate on camera again...
  2. Yes which is strange because that's not how she masturbates at all. She also seems to like a good old pounding....
  3. Hey maybe they'll put chocolate on their legs later. Wouldn't it be great? You can sleep safely. You probably need it after last night.
  4. Possible, although the first time he spent the night they played a lot in bed the next day without having sex. One sure is certain, he can't stop stroking that sweet pussy.
  5. I'm also disappointed by this apartment in general but A&K fucked openly on the couch just the night before. In my experience they have sex without covers just as often as under the covers. In both case it's not very often, in part because they're not often home at the same time but also they both seem to prefer solitary pleasures in front of their computers...
  6. To be completely fair I believe that Anezka just went on a long trek and she is just airing her tent, they just decided to have a little fun inside. However they are so weird that there is a possibility that this thing stays there forever. I don't even know when they used the bedroom for the last time, it must be months. On a side note, I like the prometheus sticker on the tent.
  7. I think that's the first I've seen her use an object to masturbate. Maybe she should ask santa for something better than a razor!
  8. Some times she does and some times she doesn't. what does it mean? Probably nothing, just that some times she wants to be covered and other times not. Zoya masturbated on the bed last night and the sheet had a very annoying fold that was hiding the most interesting part. Do you think that she also did that on purpose?
  9. That's neither what I mean nor what I wrote. I just mean that some people like different things, that what Blue/Bonnie is looking for already exists on RLC and that not everything has to be according to his/her personal taste because he/she is not the only subscriber.
  10. Plus there are already some tenants that already put on a show when they masturbate : Leora, Zoya, Irma to name a few. It's nice to have girls who masturbate in a more natural way.
  11. Si tu ne trouves plus ton compte avec RLC c'est en effet pas plus mal de faire un break, ça fait du bien de temps en temps.
  12. Daniel may not be a sharpest tool in the shed but he is really not a wife beater. He sometimes like to play dumb games and end up hurting her unintentionally like a child would. I've seen him ask her to check something on his ass and then fart on her face, fortunately Adriana is a chill girl so she just laughed but 99% of people would have kicked his ass. Plus in this case, if there was a fight between those two I'm not sure I would put my money on him.
  13. Haha. En France on dit souvent que les autres pays francophones respectent plus la langue française que nous. Et bien en lisant les commentaires on se rend vite compte qu'on est tous dans le même bateau.
  14. There is an airport on Ibiza but it might be cheaper to go to Barcelona and take the ferry. Of course we really have no Idea where they are going, we'll know tomorrow.
  15. Maybe that's why Polya was sad earlier, she's being kicked out of her room to make place for two Russian girls
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