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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. The sight of Kristy sleeping wrapped around her sheets in the morning always puts me in a good mood. She looks so perfect and peaceful . There are and have been many beautiful girls on RLC but she is special.
  2. Corbo à chaque fois que je vois tes posts je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser à Terry Pratchett : http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/639349-multiple-exclamation-marks-he-went-on-shaking-his-head-are Il faut que je demande : il y a un problème avec les touches '!' et '?' de to clavier ?
  3. What he really meant to post was : "LEORA. BEAUTIFUL BUTT!!". I think we can all agree on that one.
  4. Dasha's brunette friend and the hot blonde ex boyfriend finally have the appartment to themselves. It's now or never guys. Also is the banana on the desk some kind of message?
  5. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say she's an animal abuser so I'll have to take your word for it. But did you seriously say that you wish that she commits suicide?
  6. Kristy is dressing up. The question now : Is she going out? Or is she summoning the angels to her?
  7. I would be very shocked if RLC did not pay a salary the tenants. I mean if we pay the 45 bucks a month it's to see them, it would be unfair if they were not compensated. We also know that they sometimes do some odd jobs (hostesses for parties, Kamila and that dota2 tournament, Kristy and that car show). The prostitution thing resurfaces from time to time on the forum but, to my knowledge, nobody has ever been able to give any proof other than the fact that "they have cash/money". Personally I don't really care, if any of the girls on the site wants to prostitute herself I think it's her goddam right. But I have never ever seen anything that would suggest that it is the case, so it really puzzles me as to where all this is coming from. I think unfortunately that it is because of the stereotype : Beautiful eastern european girl = Prostitute (or porn actress). You might be onto something Barry. They might also be agents of an underground Half cyborg/Half lizard race who wants to take over the world. It would explain everything.
  8. Well technically she started a couple hours ago. Does that count as the longest masturbation on RLC?
  9. Well, it's probably because she knows he'll stay in his room, but Kristy is doing her yoga in her bra this morning which I've never seen her do. Too bad she doesn't drop the shorts too but if she's wearing the same panties as last night it would probably not be safe for the members of the audience with heart problems.
  10. Nelly gave us a really nice show when she waxed he pussy this morning. The way she was practicing the gesture before pulling the strips was really cute
  11. Fortunately he did not notice Kami's other boyfriend on the nightstand. That could have been awkward.
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