Ahah no that's not him at all. But it does not seem that he is trying to get in her pants or his technique is very unusual. Maybe he is just a friend with cuddling and boob pillow priviledges, it's hard to say with Kristy she's very tactile.
La première fois qu'il ont couché ensemble dans l'appart ils sont même sortis acheter une boîte de préservatif. Il ne faut pas faire comme si on savait quand on ne sait pas.
Sometimes she does it undercover for some unknown reason but not often. She usually does it while watching porn on her computer in the bedroom or while taking a shower. Lately she has been very creative, she has used ice cube a couple times and also her razor as a dildo. I think she hides the fact that she masturbates from Bogdan.
I haven't seen masha use her toy in a while, every recent bate from her has been the old fashioned way.
Nelly masturbates very often. Maybe 2/3 times a week, sometimes more. She's probably in the same ballpark as Desiree, Leora and Masha. Only Kristy masturbates more regularly.