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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. I think Albacore is talking about Kristy's conversations. It's in the Kristy is back thread.
  2. Alcohol is a drug so there's that. There has been stuff (nothing definitive) suggesting something less legal during parties but then again who hasn't done that in their 20s. As for the rest there is absolutely nothing supporting it.
  3. Thanks Kitek. I don't know how important his crisis was but he did find enough time to fuck her, just not enough to spend time with her. That's convenient.
  4. Poor Kristy... Seeing her cry is the worst! I think it just hit her that he was leaving. I joked that he was her boy toy but she obviously cares about him
  5. She's massaging him to get him to work again. That's the equivalent of changing the batteries of a sex toy They have a whole box of condoms to use after all!
  6. the guy seems to have hurt his back. You don't go fucking Kristy willy-Nilly, you should train like you train for a marathon or something like that.
  7. There are two sets of watermarks, one very visible and intermittent and one more faint and permanent. they both are black dots that spell you id in braille. Technically it's possible to hide information in an image or a video without it being visible but recording it with compression would basically destroy it since image compression at its core is keeping only the information useful to the human eye.
  8. Because she was the blandest girl in RLC history. She put a sign on her door that said "Princess room".
  9. Kristy showered quickly tonight, shaved, changed into something comfortable but did not remove her makeup and is now tidying the apartment. Those are the signs announcing she expects company.
  10. It was probably a small wedding. There are however some people I would have expected to see that are not there. Where is Efim? Where is that girl that visited them in Italy and often comes to the apartment?
  11. Je me rappelle qu'une fois elles avaient beaucoup d'amies invitées et que Nina portait une robe de Mariée. Après je doute qu'elles puissent se marier officiellement en Russie.
  12. The dress is out and there's a photographer now. Congratulations to the bride and the groom!
  13. Anybody saw Nelly crying in the shower this morning? She seems better now but I wonder what It is about. Bogdan went to console her, it didn't look like he was the reason she cried. She seems ok now, she was joking with the guest. Seeing Nelly cry is particularly heartbreaking.
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