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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. After sex You sit on one sofa and me the other then I go to my room……………..proof that he's a hired penis.
  2. She's very pretty, so it's better than nothing. 🙂
  3. This guy could bring the virus in this apt. Why is he allowed to come and go as he pleases ?? I just heard on the news that Spain has more deaths than Italy per capita. 😡🤬
  4. Hi, Le Grand Robert here, I paid my subscription yesterday and can't get into the attachements Center, What Gives ???
  5. My profile says I joined on May 2nd,  Am I due before that date ??? if so, I'll gladly pay for it tonight.

  6. Hi, Le grand robert here. I am a premium member, why can't I get access to the atachement center ????

    1. Thestarider


      I am not sure Robert, I just tried and I can access it with no problems. Are you sure you are still a premium member ? Did your subscription expire ?

    2. StnCld316


      Check your PM

    3. StnCld316


      I sent you a PM.


  7. I didn't know that Sorry f😕or my stupid post then
  8. They tease so the guys across their apt. see everything but can't come in.
  9. Now I remember who Viola reminds me of---------------Porn Star Ava Adams minus the tats.
  10. I think they will keep the Christmas Tree so the next girls won't have to put it up next Christmas……….🌋
  11. There's another funny show on TV Wresling, I'll take a break from RLC, see you guys later………...maybe
  12. since I have a few days left on my sub, I checked and Kykie and Rus are in bed maybe for the night.
  13. Maybe they have an engagement at an outside party and maybe they will all leave together later.
  14. Are Assol and Amélie trying to break the record for being in front of a mirror the longuest time ???
  15. Well Harley this event made me decide to end my sub toRLC, Girls in REAL LIFE do not participate in such shows they proved to me tonight that they are SL_Ts that are looking for jobs in the porn industry. I love watching sex , girl-girl, boy-girl but this was all staged and it looked ridiculous, Real Life MY ASS !!!
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