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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. This is proof that these guys are hired Dicks by RLC. Wait, you might see them in B1 and B2 with Kristy or Amber.
  2. AGAIN ???? Workers want to meet the new girls and maybe finish the job they started.
  3. Noldus, Did Milena change her hair colour ?? I seem to remember her with dark hair.
  4. Now the question is when they go to bed, How will they pair up ??? One threesome and in another room two girls ??? And will Loraine join in ??
  5. I just E-Mail RCL, I told them that if the girls keep hiding on the kitchen porch, I wouldn't renew my sub. We know what they do there smoke a j__nt.
  6. Now I know why they hide all the time, Cherry just took something from a pack in her pocket and added it to the tobacco of the cigarette she's rolling. Maybe that's why they laugh so much they are in a good mood.
  7. I just hope that Frida and Mel didn't hook up with the two guys that were with Sara and Stella 🙄
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