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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Now 3 girls took chairs outside where we can't see them on the kitchen porch.
  2. They came in around 8.45 except for Mel Frida and Laima.....all 4 girls took shower by pair .
  3. Why is there always one girl after another in the small toilet downstairs, ??? Sometimes 2 at the same time ??&
  4. when it's time for the bus to take her home, she's worthless here
  5. Did they go to the guest room where there is no cam ??
  6. Or maybe Naomie and Aria walked their guests to the bus or taxi.
  7. Mindy left why ??? Things were getting too hot for her ???
  8. New Fetish ?? Watching the girls pee one after the other ??
  9. Finally I got to see her in the tub, very cute but Mel is still my choice.
  10. For this month only I didn't take the replay, I meant pictures of her in the shower naked.
  11. I missed all of them 😪 And I don't even have a picture !!
  12. I think they went UM so Mindy could take her shower unseen, when they came back she was all dressed up.
  13. Cleaning Lady in apt. did they leave already ??? Nope just saw Angelina, Olga is cleaning guest room.
  14. Ulyanna and Marat left with suitcases at 9.26am , I will miss Ulyanna``s bates looking directly at the cameras.
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