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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Do they have RLC on their phone ? If so they can see what the other one is doing.
  2. When you're with somebody 24/7. there will be friction, ask my girlfriend. That's why she moved and things are better between us since then.
  3. Did Kamila go upstairs to console Kristy, ? I had to pee so I missed where she went.
  4. I wish I knew how many members got banned in the last 3 months. Je serais curieux de savoir combien de membres ont été bannis depuis les derniers 3 mois. (P.S. J'en fais parti)
  5. Is it just me, I have difficulty hearing conversations in the livingroom ? Is it because RLC knows that someone is translating their conversation that the sound is lower than before ?
  6. I think Kristy may be going soon so she wants to take advantage of every minute she has in this apt. Poor girl she tried so hard with Kami and ended up with a tease, no third base. She lets Kami get to sleep ,so when she goes upstairs she won't be tempted as much. Maybe, That is what I think there may be other reasons why she stays downstairs.
  7. Yes when she has wine Kami talks a lot. I hope she doen't give russia's secret away.
  8. Love that smile, love that body, love all of her. She is one of the nicest girl on rlc hope she will come back soon !
  9. Just Google the name and you will find many other girls posinng for Olga.
  10. the name you mentionned is the name of the person who took the photos. She has many models working for her. Kamila is just one of them.
  11. I think they just set a record : 20 min without touching their phone !!!
  12. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Look closely at the pictures on the phone.
  13. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). What if the photographer was a woman ? Strange this picture , I turned it around and if you zoom with your mouse you'll see that she is looking at pictures of women on her phone. Just looking at my old pictures...
  14. Yeah it's not important anyway I took the picture myself and zoomed it and it looks like dust on the screen., or a reflection of something. But the question is : Will kamila go out again tonight ?
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