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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. isn't it pride week all over Europe ? The gay parade and all the festivities ??
  2. What's that? It's the festival of colors --but my mistake it was from the first up to th 5 th of the month.
  3. What page? You see legran, that's why you don't post shit like that! Leora already got in trouble once for being on here. Assuming what you said is true, we don't know how she got a hold of those photos. She may have found them the same way some members here claimed they did. Which would mean she still comes here. So by posting that you not only endangering Leora, but also Kamila Facebook is public so if Leora is ready to go public, I am not the only one who looks at her page. Do you know how many subscribors she has ? thousands I am but a small grain in the sandbeach of her followers. But if I hurt someone beleive me I am very sorry and beleive me I am sincere.
  4. OK I'll leave it at that, but I don't have to like her !
  5. Leora post pics and videos of other tenants on her page.She posted over 400 pics of Kamila last week.
  6. Kristy if you can read English some of us are starting to hate you
  7. another kristy minute... Faster than a speeding bullet......
  8. I'm beginning to hate Kristy, to force Kamila into doing what Kamila doesn't want to, but then Kamila should be more defensive.
  9. Could be Nora put Kristy up to this when they were alone talking in the kitchen.
  10. Well she is back upstairs I would like to know what she brought up is it a bottle of wine ^
  11. I find that at this moment Kamila thinks too much of herself. She thinks that she is too important for such menial tasks,
  12. Iwould like to know what you said but I do not speak German.
  13. Don t get me wrong I loved Kamila from her first visit. But now, she acts as if she owns the place, man, she has changed .
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