I know what you mean I'm over 60 and about 45 pounds too heavy, and I cut down on the beer. But I think it's my girlfriend's fault She takes the word blowjob litteraly, instead of sucking she blows so all that air comes inside me via my dick .
Yes this girl san sleep and she can eat too. Check the portions she serves herself and she doesn't grow fatter, I wish I could eat that much but I gained too many pounds already.
When I was a Newbie, I read post from at least 1 year back and I paid attention to what the other members wrote. I even asked advice. That is how I got accepted by the older members.
The box at the end of the pa doesn't work the one marked "Jump to......Go. It always stays on " Nora Kamila & Kristy". How do I get it to work agan to go on other sites ?
And perhaps Nora is stacking her money in the bank so when she retires she will have a nice matress to fall on. She's been with RLC for what 2 years ? Anybody knows ?
Some of you have short memory Jenny, Milana & Coco had sex with guys in this apartment, so
what stopping other chicks from having sex? They don't want to do it on camera, simple as that.
I'm sure you can read I wrote with one another I never mentionned any guy man or boy in my post.
My girlfriend tried lesbian sex and she never had any regret. She did not become a lesbian because of that first time, they could maybe masturbate side by side without touching each other. Just suggesting, Now I'm going to bed and I'm sure I will be well served. Goodnight all !!
I know Kiko is Nora's man but why only her is allowed to have sex in the apt, but not two girls together as in the other two lesbian apt ? Maybe Kamila and Kristy are not Lesbians but they should be allowed to releive the tension and the stress and maybe experiment with one another, CCmembers would understand their actions because sex is natural in everybody's lives and it is healthy.