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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Could it be Layla didn't want to sleep with Ilona because she's in her periods ? Just asking, some religions say that a woman in her period is dirty. Who knjows ?
  2. Please Canito when everyone is in bed tell me who Layla is sleeping with. »»You know I have only free cams since I was Banned.
  3. Irma is just more closer to Layla right now maybe tonight's the night.
  4. She kissed all the girls before going out. I hope she'll be back, I voted for her.
  5. She is too bossy. She met Layla only 2 days ago and already she wants sex ! It doesn t make any sens.
  6. Irma la veut pour prouver que ses gros seins peuvent lui donner n importe quelle fille. Elle a laiss/ tom/ Anna comme un vieille poche de patates, maintenant elle veut Layla.
  7. I just hope Layla get out of that room, I m starting to hate Irma. She thinks that her big boobs will get her any girl she wants.
  8. I told you before she's a b..ch she wants to seduce every one , she has no feelings just lust look how she dumped Anna, And you want to make her your Queen ?
  9. M aintenant Layla est seule avec Irma et la porte semble fermée. Se passe-t-il quelque chose ?
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