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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. She is up already only 7am. So maybe she's going somewhere hopefully .
  2. A winnlove Irma ne ressent rien pour Anna, je te l'ai dit, elle est ensorcelée par Ilona. Qui a passé la majorité de la soirée avec Irma ? ANNA. Et qui a eu le massage en simplement le demandant ? je te laisse répondre. Irma est sous le charme et est STUPIDE.
  3. A winnlove, Lis me posts et tu verras que je pense comme toi. Irma est ensorcelée par Ilona et ne voit pas la sincérité d'Anna. Les deux (Ilona et Irma) sont dans ma liste de :JE N'AIME PLUS.
  4. Anna spent most of the night with Irma and WHO GETS THE MASSAGE?? That is the thanks Anna gets ?? I'm starting to not like Irma she is so Dumb ! I don't think Ilona will ever give her any pleasure.
  5. To upndown I completely agree all she wants is keep Irma Under her spell and Under her thumb so Irma keeps doing anything she asks her.
  6. Maybe she just want to keep Irma Under her spell,to make her beleive she has a chance
  7. I wish someone would take pics or better record it. Thanks in advance.
  8. Now all three girls are in the same room and Irma is massaging Ilona
  9. from the blurry pic it seems that anna and irma were kissing did I see right ?
  10. One of them is getting dressed is Ilona going out let's hope...
  11. Now Ilona is in the bed with them She might break all the fun.
  12. J'aimais bien Ilona au début ( Jolie et pas gênée ) Mais maintenant elle se cache pour de longues périodes et chaque fois qu'Anna et Irma se raprochent elle vient tout défaire. D'après moi elle a deux choix : Embarquer dans le jeu avec les 2 autres filles ou partir. Elle ne sert à rien dans le moment présent. C'est mon opinion et je la partage. lol
  13. I know they will be back . I thought the cams were all stuch. Thanks
  14. I just came back, are all the girls out of the apt. ? Even the T V is off and there is no sound anywhere .
  15. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed) (Edited by Squirrel at OP's request using Irfanview.)
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