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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Irma probably turned bi after posing for the nudies magazines. She must have met other girls and did some photoshoots with other girls (the ones we don't know about) and she had to take some poses as a lesbian, And from then on she started liking girls.
  2. At the same time ask her whose bra is it ? The one on the bed beside Layla surely it's not for small titties.
  3. Thank you a thousand times euromike for those pics of Layla's boobs, they may not be as big as Irmas's but they are more suckable.
  4. I think Irma wants to sleep with Layla and asking Ilona.l Did you see how she caressed her back ?
  5. I hope Layla turn Irma down for the sakes of Anna. Irma wants to seduce everyone so she can be the Queen Bee. I voted for Anna.
  6. Let's all concentrate on a massage and hope someone will record it.
  7. Is the table too high or the chair too low? When Irma is sitting in the kitchen her breasts are below the table.
  8. I posted in the wrong thread: »Man, does Layla ever shut up ? She talks and talks and never stop. Remind me of a broken record.
  9. Man,does Layla ever shut up ? She talks ans talks and talks, never stop
  10. She did the same with Anna but when she tried with Layla, Layla backed out.
  11. Surtout qu'Irma tente par tous les moyens pour séduire ses co-locs avec ses massages érotiques et ses baisers pleins de caresses lesbiennes. Elle veut devenir la BOSS de l'apt et en montrant ses nichons à la journée longue elle veut que nous ne regardions qu'elle et seulement ELLE.
  12. Still I don't trust her , she knows Ilona will be gone soon so maybe she wants to score with Layla. Nobody knows what goes on in her mind.
  13. What is she trying to prove ? She already seduced Anna and Ilona, now Layla ? That cat pose on the bed knowing that Layla can see her breasts is she trying to seduce her too ?
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