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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. I think Kristy had enough, she motionned to Nora the music was too loud and went upstairs.
  2. True she is the mayor of that apt and I was told that we are not allowed to say that we hate her. let's just say we don't like her as much as KandK
  3. Did you see when Kamila pinched Kristy's breast ? It onle lasted a mili-second but I could not take a picture.
  4. Kami just pinched Kristy's breast could not take picture it lasted a nano-second.
  5. The way Kamila moves her head I think she.s getting a little woopsy .
  6. Is that pic, from now ? So She won't go out again ?
  7. I did not see her take the shoes off when she came in. Is she still upstairs on her bed ?
  8. I think she might go out again did not take her shoes off
  9. That pic. is from the boat video, it's not a fake. They are wearing bikinis. But I think kami's become see-through when wet.
  10. The video on the boat showed Kamila kissing Kristy. Was it a kiss out of love or a peck of friendship ? And why did Kamila go out alone tonight ? So I think they are just CLOSE CLOSE friends
  11. I'm sorry Loner69, but look at the upper left corner of the screen you will see that it's 32 mins past midnight.
  12. CORBOBLANC---Pourquoi briser les espérances du commun des mortels ? Le rêve est bon pour la santé mentale.
  13. I DID CHECK MY PM and I already thanked you. I will try soon to upload. Again Thank You !
  14. Check your PM's. I sent you a possible solution to this problem. she looks like a man. and her underwear is always terrible.
  15. Thanks Check your PM's. I sent you a possible solution to this problem.
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