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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Je doute qu'elles aillent à la plage, il ne fait que 20degrés Celcius avec un max. de 23 cet après-midi.
  2. Je les surveille depuis les cartes postales, elles sont monté en haut je crois pour faire leurs valises. Je crois qu'elles sont toujours là-haut.
  3. J'aimerais bien voir la fille qui est venue avec Nora il y a 2 jours. Elle a l'air gentille et pas laide du tout. Elle irait bien avec Rita mais comme on sait Nora et Rita ne font pas bon ménage. Dommage
  4. This person wants to feel important. but like you said DUMMY!!!
  5. As far as the mutual affection between these two is concerned, I'm sure it's real and true. »NO one would let another person caress her or his body without consent. And I am sure that they did make love but outside the apt. and more than once. When they want to kiss or caress each other, they simply go to the balcony. I couldn't last 2 weeks with another person caressing my body without doing IT let along 2 months.. They may not be 100% lesbians but they are attracted to each other.
  6. For two reasons first she was in the free cams range and since this is a premium apt. they want people to pay if they want to see nudity. Secondly, Nora was the Queen Bee and did not want Rita to steal the spotlight.
  7. Both of them should leave.. They played like SCHOOL GIRLS not adults. They lied to us making us beleive we would see two girls making passionate love. They left the apt. for almost a week empty. They only teased us, maybe following a script to attract more paying Customer.
  8. I just saw pictures of Kami and Kristy sitting on the bed, looking sad, are they back so soon ? And are they leaving ? Thanks for answering
  9. If I remember corectly, Nora was upset because Rita came downstairs Topless and something about dirty dishes, She claimed that Rita wasn't doing her part in the apt.
  10. Some even said that he was Nora's father or brother so your guess is as good as mine.
  11. Mais là c'était pas les controles, c'était directement sous la poêle à frire. Laissons tomber, il n'y a pas eu de dégâts. En passant,où est passée Kamila ?
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