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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. They don't need to be having sex, they don't need to be naked, hell it doesn't even need to be real but I would appreciate some LIFE.
  2. everyday now I pass through this apartment for less and less time and think, money well spent..... money well spent. What the hell is this exactly?
  3. Noldus we're going to need some guidance while the thumbs don't work. Hope your not to busy today ?
  4. When you log in and think you missed something amazing but then you realize it's just BB being BB ?
  5. Man this girl is crazy, she's so upset about her friend but was totally down to fuck before making herself throw up? All over the place
  6. Well one thing is for sure Bell and Becca will be nice and warmed up and buzzed after this
  7. You don't know who's coming in though, that's the nice thing in Barca there is always hope around the corner.
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