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Everything posted by studev3131

  1. RLC needs to be something as these GOV apts are dying. Its been years since it was this slow and boring.
  2. You have to admit the move of the twins and Karol to b1 was genius. They get to say they have all these houses and cameras open, but with the loss of the 4 previous girls in this house, RLC went from x-rated to PG13, and really, really boring. Great move to hook in newcomers but for people who aren't new disappointment and boredom seems to be at an all time high.
  3. Yeah this is pretty bad, @Noldus do you remember with this many cams the last time it was this slow. With the closing of b1 its going from bad to worse.
  4. The key difference between VHTV and RLC is the twin that is dating this dude would be in one of the empty rooms getting it on in VHTV, on RLC they goto sleep in the same bed. This may have been answered previously, is there a reason why one of the twins doesn't take the empty rooms? There doesn't seem to be anyone new coming anytime soon?
  5. @Noldus has RLC every been this empty? with stella and viv leaving seems like RLC is falling even faster. Should be lowering prices.
  6. This is truly sad, this has got to be one of the most boring times at RLC and not just b4 but all of the apartments.
  7. That Heidi night WOW. Still looking for the video on that one. Had to be one of the best ever.
  8. i was wrong i think they are back together and Jordi is supposed to be over at Pams tomorrow.
  9. RLC loved it. All these volunteers that provided action that made the Masha's cam #1 for the last few days, and they don't have to pay any of those participants a dime.
  10. Viv sure is loyal to her man back home. She doesn’t really do anything.
  11. The fact of the matter is most of the girls who are returning for the most part stay true to the form to their previous visits. They either mast and have sex on camera, or they are the massage specialist with once a month pseudo lez shows. Sadly its like watching reruns of your favorite shows and due to covid their isn't anything better to watch right now.
  12. This is genius by the twins or RLC. Nothing will happen but the intrigue of what may happen will keep hundreds watching. I hope your wishes come true that something does but having been an RLC member I am doubtful on the men on this site that aren't in a relationship already and being paid to get down.
  13. Mashas guest more active then the paid RLC participants. Kind of a strange coincidence
  14. Tesla has gotten frosty. She was quick with the brazilian dude and with Messi giving him the I want to sleep shoulder. If i was Messi i would be out of there.
  15. Another game of strip poker. But what happened to Jordi? He's been gone a while
  16. Noldus is Pam leaving as well or switching apts? If she's leaving thats a quick end for Mr J
  17. This apt seems to be dying a slow death. Masha used to the star but it seems like she's fading quickly.
  18. I know alot of people don't like Nana because she tents, but you have to appreciate that will all these different personalities in the GOV apts that she seems to really get along with everyone. This may be a first, even topping Megan.
  19. They are watching a youtube masterclass to take care of their new toys
  20. I was going to ask the same question. Is Viv ever going to leave the house to go somewhere, she seems to have mostly isolated herself to PAM, while the other girls at least once in a while try to hangout with each other.
  21. Is Aunt Flow visiting PAM. Why did she freeze her b/f out tonight, did anyone see why
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