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Everything posted by studev3131

  1. So what's the way to early call on zabava? Early departure or will she stick out. I think she took a shower today without a bathing suit. thoughts
  2. I am eating my words as I type. Pack that tent up, you go girl.
  3. My mistake I was looking at Tata and bringing her to b2
  4. Seems like its camping season in B2 and the tents will be back. These new girls aren't show girls like Dani or U&O. But we'll see.
  5. Does anyone else get concerned about some of these forum members who follow Leora. Its like she's an idol the way they track her every move on and off camera. i know she's like one of the longest residents, but 1 woman producing so many pages of interaction. Jeez.
  6. @Noldus always dropping bombs and hints. come on @Noldusspill more information
  7. @Noldusdrops the perfect tease. Now the forum will be guessing for the next few days on his meaning. Or the timekeeper could just tell everyone what he things. @Noldus was like a 530 pm newscaster with that tease here's what coming at ....
  8. I didn't see @noldus comments if Amalia and Pam are here to stay, but RLC has brought back the no fear girls. These girls all have a proven track record of doing everything on cam, it would have been nice to see some new cast members but i guess RLC is going back to the well with what and who they know.
  9. Why is everyone hyped about moving Holly to b4, she hasnt been doing much now and seems to be acting more like a placeholder then somebody who wants to do like she has done in the past. DId i miss something.
  10. I’d be happy for the dude if he got lucky. He’s been a solid wingman.
  11. And this is why people are leaving RLC for VHTV. Saturday night primetime and all you got was 10 minutes from Dani in all of the GOV houses. Unless b2 can save the people are going to say I'll not watch the too crazy stuff that happens for those cams in the middle. RLC GOV sites and even some of the other apts are just dead right now.
  12. Nah its his fault. That should have been cleared up before he drove all the way to the villa. He should be downstairs on the couch or on the other bed sleeping and no teasing.
  13. Serafima and Irma were willing to be fully nude and show all of themselves when in bed, even with other girls. Buffy is only nude in the shower.
  14. He should uber home now. Buffy isn't Dani and its clear she's never going to do anything on cam.
  15. These are grown men, buffy should have had him sleep on the other couch if she wasn't going to give him any.
  16. @Noldus you know thats too smart. They should move all the girls who are in their rooms right now. Its a clear sign of the girls who are active, i would give a benefit of the doubt to Radi as she tries to do something, but Im not of a fan of hers
  17. At least at to this point, Buffy seems to be another resident who will use the apt as a rest stop. She hasn't really been impressive to date but we'll see.
  18. Buffy must not have gotten the memo because she has the time and opportunity and seems to be just going to sleep.
  19. Nah this is a game of hide and seek. he wants to put it in and she is doing everything possible to not let him.
  20. @noldus can you post a time as I think she's may end up being a low active resident
  21. IMO Buffy won't do anything this trip, i would start to expect her to do less then NANA. Set your expectations low now and if she doesn't do anything you won't be fustrated and if she surprises us we'll be estatic.
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